Chapter 29

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Mia's POV

"You have got to go, you have work " I giggled as I moved him to the door

"How did I get so lucky with you" he kissed me on the forehead and rubbed my belly which now had a slight round bump

"Go" I pushed him out the door

"I will be back tonight for dinner 8pm sharp" he kissed me on the lips

"I love you Mia"

"I love you too"

I closed the door and locked it behind him. I made my way into the living room and sat down on the sofa and rested my feet on the little black coffee table. Life was so good right now and for the first time in a very long time I am so happy. I rested my head on the head rest of the sofa and closed my eyes.

I was suddenly woken up by the door bell. I checked my phone and realised it was 6pm I had fallen asleep for 2 hours later. I got up of the sofa, put my slippers on and shuffled my way over to the door. I took a peek through the key hole and it was Alison.

"Hi Alison, how nice to see you again?"

She gripped onto her bag tightly and cleared her throat

"Hi Mia do you mind if I come in, its about the apartment the landlord has run into some financial issues" she looked behind her and right back at me

"Oh sure, is everything ok? " I opened the door fully and she walked straight in.

I closed the door behind her made our way to the sofa.

"Would you like something to drink a coffee maybe"

She said nothing and looked out the window. I made my way to the one seater and sat down

"Alison.. is everything ok do I need to move out? I paid the rent on time and I wasn't short?"

She began to look outside with a blank expression on her face. I got up off the sofa and made my way to the kitchen but before I could make it fully there she grabbed my arm and spun me round so I was now standing facing her.

"Tell me Mia do you like destroying families, breaking hearts, destroying marriages"

"Alison, I have no idea what you are on about"

She laughed and opened her bag and took out a large bottle of vodka that was half gone.

"Are you always a slut? do you open your legs for everyone's husband?"

"Excuse me I think you better leave"

I made my way to the door but she pushed me and I fell onto the floor. I wrapped my hands around my stomach to protect it.

She stood over me and began to shout in my face and pointing her finger

"You.. little bitch. You took him away from me"

"Alison I have no idea what you are on about please just let me go"

I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek, I raised my hand to it to stop the burning sensation.

" I have no idea what on earth you are going on about"

She pulled out a photo album and threw it at me

"Recognise him?" she shouted while taking gulps from the bottle

I opened the blue leather photo album and the first picture I seen was a picture of Alison, 2 beautiful little girls and Alex with his arm around her.

"You... YOU slept with MY HUSBAND, you took him away from me, our kids, our family, our life our future."

I couldn't believe my eyes there he was, with his family. My eyes started to fill up with tears

"You really didn't know?" she laughed at me

"Of course not I had no fucking idea"

I continued to look at the pictures, breaking my heart turning over every single page.

"You were a mistresses and you didn't even know about it" She began to clap her hands together and break out in laugher.

I felt sick to my stomach. I slept with a married man, not just a married man but a man with kids and a wife. I felt betrayed and heartbroken.

"But.. I have one thing you will never have" I looked up at her trying to hold back the tears. She put her left hand with a big silver shiney ring on it into my face.

"His last name"

Those words cut my heart, this is the man I wanted to be with the man that made me feel special and loved and a man that had my heart. He gave me a miracle, a baby.

It took all the strength in me to stay calm, I wasn't going to let her see me cry. I began to stand up when suddenly I was thrown across the floor

"Did you really think I would just leave peacefully. Bitch you messed with the wrong fucking wife"

I began to scoot along the wooden floor to try and make my way into another room but she grabbed me by the hair and back into the living room.

"Please no Alison I'm pregnant"

The laughter evaporated from her eyes. They were narrowed, rigid and cold.

"Im not going to let you have what I can't have, it should be me thats pregnant with his child not you, Im his wife its how its supposed to be" Alison made her way over to her bag and took out a large bottle of what looked like vodka.

I needed to protect myself and my unborn baby and there was only one way out of this.

"Its not his baby"

She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to face me

"What did you say?"

"Its not his baby, its my husbands we are working things out for the sake of this baby, please don't hurt my baby" I pleaded

"Don't you dare lie to me I'm capable of a lot more than this. Your the bad person in this not me, you broke up my perfect family, my perfect life all for your own greed and selfishness. You wanted what you couldn't have but you took it away anyway."

She began to take giant gulps from the bottle and wander around the apartment

"Alison please its not his baby I swear"

She continued to take gulps of the bottle and laugh

"Little sweet innocent Mia would never do something so horrible. Why are you the victim in all of this I mean I am his wife but yet here you are bleeding your innocence. Have you any idea the pain I felt when I realised he wasn't coming home to tuck our kids into bed at night because he was apparently working. Now I know it was because of YOU!"

"I didn't know Alison, please I'm begging you"

She carried on taking gulps of from the bottle and walking up and down the living room

She stormed straight up to me and screamed in my face

"Where was my husband when I had my miscarriage eh? The kids banging on the door screaming and crying and he's no where to be found. Why... Why was my husband not there. Oh yeah, cos he was with you"

She took a large glup and came right up to my face were I could smell her alcohol breath.

"You will not take my life, my husband, my kids, my home and have your own little perfect family. I won't let you"

I felt a dull, throbbing pain and noticed the bright red blood pouring around me. I began to panic and suddenly the world around me started to go black.

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