Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to @JaydenSinclair5 she gave me the courage to continue writing and not to delete this book! I felt a bit stupid trying to write a story but after hearing feedback it has encouraged me to carry on. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for reading my book I can't believe it!

Brian's POV

I sat in the board room of my company and waited for my solicitor to arrive. After finding out Melissa was definitely pregnant I knew I had to step up. It was 7am on a Tuesday morning I knew that not many would be in the office.

"Mr Walker, how very nice to meet you"

I shook his hand and we sat down at the large wooden table.

"I told you Max, its Brian we have been working together for years its first names basis, is there any news on my wife? where is she?"

"Very well, we are still working on it sir, but we will eventually find her trust me she can't hide forever."

I sighed and wondered where on earth is she,my wife, my property. I will kill anyone that has touched a single hair on her head.

"There is something else I want to talk about"

Max looked up at me "Yes Brian"

"I want you to get me full custody of my unborn baby"

He looked at me with his eyes shocked

"A baby? is Mrs Walker... pregnant we can check all the hops...?"

"No" i interrupted abruptly

"it was.. it was someone else but I want that baby not her, she's not fit to be a mother she doesn't even have her own house she shares with friends that is not an environment for a baby."

I slammed my hands on the table ran my hands through my hair.

"Not my child anyway" I stood up and walking up and down the large white room.

"That baby stays with me, not her and I want it. Do whatever you have to do to get that baby destroy Melissa if you have to. I will get Mia back and I will get my baby."

"Brian, I need to know who is the mother"

I took a deep breath and wiped my hands on the legs of my suite

"Melissa, Melissa Tyler"

Brian and his assistant looked at me with their mouths open.

"Ok I will see what I can do, I may need some more information on the girl"

"Tell me what you need and I will get it for it"

I stood up and put my hand out to shake Max's hand. He slowly got up and fixed his suite and shook my hand. We left the conference room and I made my way to my office.

I checked my watch and it was now 9:10am, there was still no sign of Melissa. I heard a commotion in the hallway screams and shouting and laughing. It got on my last nerve, I stormed out the door and down the corridor

"Congratulation's Melissa I can't believe it, who's the daddy"

My clenched my jaw, and walked straight over to the crowd of girls

"Listen, ladies I pay you to work not stand around and gossip if you want to keep your jobs I suggest you get a move on"

They quickly scattered and left me and Melissa alone.

"My office NOW" I turned around and stormed into my office with Melissa behind me running to catch up.

"Are you fucking stupid? what in your right mind gives you the right to tell people without me"

She looked at me with a smirk

"Please Brian, I'm going to start showing soon I can't go out drinking anymore I had to tell the truth I won't tell anyone your the father."

"You better hope no one finds out do you hear me"

She nodded her head and looked down at the floor

"Do you want us.. me and the baby do you want us or do you still want her"

I clenched my jaw, if I wanted this baby I would have to play nice and make sure she doesn't expect anything.

"Of course Melissa, we just need to be careful and cautious to make this work ok"

She looked up at me and smiled and before I knew it she was hugging me

"Thank you, you have no idea how happy this makes me" and she left.

I sat back in my chair and rubbed my face, I still had my wedding ring on, it made me wonder does Mia? where is she? what is she doing? I took a photo frame out of my drawer and looked at it. She looked beautiful with her long brown hair, her long lashes and her perfect skin. I opened my laptop and began to type...


I know that many things have happened between you and I, things that we do not like, things that have depressed us, things that have brought us insecurity, however, there is a feeling we can still see, and I know that if we talk clearly, we will be able to fix any issues from the past.

I have always loved you, since we were friends, do you remember? I remember that I once confessed it to you after you told me you felt the same way.

I just want you to know that I still love you, and if you are willing to have a last talk with me, we might fix this up and I promise you I will not disappoint you again. Forgive me for everything that I have done that might have hurt you, I was just hoping that everything went well, but now I see that things went the other way.

I will be waiting for your response, because it would really make me happy that we could talk for the last time. However, I hope it will not be the last one.
I still love you.

Your loving Husband


I closed my laptop and wiped the wetness from my eyes. I had really fucked up big time.

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