Chapter 17

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Mia's POV

I sat inside a little blue cafe called Rosebud, it was only down the street so I could walk.While waiting for Alex to arrive, I took my phone out and started scrolling through my emails. I seen his name, Brian Walker, my heart stopped beating. Should I open it and read it? or should I leave it or even delete it? I sat there for a few minutes thinking about all these reasons. 

"Well... can I just say how absolutely beautiful you look, I noticed you from across the way"

 I stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek 

"Would you stop it, hows work going?"

he leaned back in the chair with the sun beaming down on his blonde hair and his sallow skin. 

"Its ok, busy all work and no play. How did the apartment hunting go" 

He put his hand in pocket and pulled out his phone, it was lighting up he took one look at it and put it down on the table. 

"You can answer it if its important its ok" 

He took a deep breath and stared at it for a few seconds before answering it

"Hello... yes... I just left them..... but you..... ok ok ok yes" He looked down at the ground and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Im sorry Mia, I have to go somewhere can we reschedule this for tonight?" he got up from the chair and put his jacket on

"Sure no worries at all, just text me"

He walk around the table stood in front of me and kissed me hard on the lips and then my forehead 

"I will make it up to you I promise" He turned around and walked down the street. 

 I began to walk back to the hotel remembering the email Brian had sent me. A million reasons why I should open it came into my mind, for better or worse, richer or poorer. But theres nothing about cheating, lying or being unfaithful I took out my phone, deleted it and walked into the hotel. 

It was 6pm and I was currently doing make up and hair for a kids talent show, little did I know the big broadway show I was needed for was Kourtney's class. I was not aware of how much glitter and lipgloss was needed. I had finished and I began to start packing my brushes. 

"Excuse me miss" I turned around and there was a little girl with snow white blonde hair, and baby blue eyes. She had her hands in her pockets and her tiara was lopsided. 

"I would like more glitter so I can shine so brightly that mummy and daddy can see me when I sing let it go" 

"Sure hop up here Elsa" she gave me the biggest smile 

The little girl jumped up onto the chair and took her tiara off and placed it carefully in her hands. 

"Are you a mummy" She asked

"No I'm not"

"Would you like to be" 

"Yes.. one day when I find a prince"

She chuckled and placed her hands over her mouth 

"My daddy says I'm not allowed around boys, and if they come near me I have to punch them" she started laughing again but this time louder. 

"Well he is right because you are gorgeous, and you are shining bright than a star" 

She awkwardly jumped down off the chair, put her tiara back on pulling half her hair out with it and gave me a hug. 

"Thank you very much miss I hope my mummy can see me" and waved and skipped her way to the stage.

I began to tidy up and put all my things away and yet my mind drifted back to Brian. Would I have been a good mum? would we have worked out alright? a million questions ran through my mind. 

"Good job you, you saved my ass and you get paid" Kourney handed me a cheque 

"Thanks, it was fun took my mind off my dramatic life"

"Oh honey, don't think about it because I'm sorry to tell you, but he wasn't thinking about you when he was inside her" 

"WOW no need to put it lightly just straight to the point with you isn't it" 

We both laughed and chit chatted as we packed our stuff up and left.

"Drink at the bar?" asked Kourtney

"I can't, Alex is coming over" 

"ohhhhh i see mr lover boy eh you need to fill me in more on this boy" 

I started to go bright red like a tomato

"Tell me whats he like, is he a good kisser, is he good in bed" 

She cackled her way to the car, I rolled my eyes and ignored her.

"Shut up, its not like that, we're just getting to know each other.. again"

We put all of our stuff in the boot of the car

"Oh Mr Alex, take me into one of your rich houses and do me over the kitchen counter" 

"KOURTNEY I burst out laughing" 

Suddenly we were interrupted 

"Mia, is that you?"

I started to make my way to the front of the car to see the large black figure standing in front of me

"Eh.. yeah it is..." 

The blue eyes, and short stubble appeared and I knew exactly who that voice was

He picked me up and kissed my lips gently 

"Alex, what are you doing here" 

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead

"Im just..... giving a friend a hand his girls go to this school I will come see you tomorrow we will do lunch when I'm done with work?" 

"Sure, sounds perfect"

He kissed me and walked away. 

"witttt woooooo that was hot"

I chuckled and made my way back to the car. 

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