Chapter 18

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Alex's POV

I began to tuck the girls into bed

"Daddy, why didn't mummy come to see us tonight?"

I knew this was coming, Alison didn't turn up to the talent show I tried calling and texting but she didn't answer. I knew I had to come up with a excuse.

"Oh Annabelle, mummy just working really hard, and she doesn't mean to miss these things but it just happens sometimes."

I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and pulled her in close for a hug.

"She's just really busy, look I recorded it on my phone and we can all watch it tomorrow how does that sound"

They both nodded but were still hurting. I kissed them both on the forehead said goodnight made my way outside.

I made my way downstairs, and sat at the last step and placed my head in my hands. My kids were hurting and I couldn't fix it, I couldn't take the pain away. The door flies open and in strolls a very unstable Alison.

"Hi honey, I went umm.. out with work for a few drinks"

My eyes couldn't believe what was in front of me, she missed our kids show for a few work drinks.

"You are unbelievable, you missed OUR kids show today, all for some fucking drinks" I hissed at her

She took her heels off and walked into the kitchen ignoring me.

"Alison, what is going on here please tell me what the fuck is going on here. You work all the time, you come home late and your now missing the kids shows."

She drank a glass of water and placed it back down on the table and looked at me

"My problem Alex, my fucking problem I left my career when I was at my peak, I gave up my life to become a mother while you went swanning off to fancy events or meetings in Dubai while I stayed at home with baby sick on me." Her eyes were burning through me. 

"Are you done with your little tantrum?"

She looked up at me and her eyes were starting to fill up.

"I worked my ass off for this family, for this life to put a roof over our head and food on the table. I missed the kids first steps, their first words all the important stuff and now you have decided that our kids are too much for you."

She started to cry and the tears were rolling down her cheek.

"Thats not what I meant Alex, I know it looks and sounds bad but I just want to be me, I feel like a piece of me is missing."

There was a silence between us. 

"You don't get it, your a real jerk you know that" 

By now I couldn't hold my anger back anyway, 

"Get your act together Alison, all this drinking and staying out late, your not a teenager anymore your a mother to 3 little girls that I yet again had to lie to cover your ass"

She stomped her foot like a little child and threw her hands up in the air.

"Oh yeah because your so perfect" she huffed

"Don't hurt the kids Alison hurt me but not the kids, they don't deserve this"

I turned around and began to walk out the door

"Where are you going now!?" she screamed after me

"I need space" 

I arrived outside the hotel and my phone was ringing, I had numerous apology texts from Alison but I didn't want to hear it. I turned my phone off and went straight to the one place that would make everything go away.

I knocked on the door and waited. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I just couldn't help myself. Mia gave me everything my wife didn't, she was calm, patient and caring. She would listen to me and always know the right thing to say. That used to be my Alison, maybe she resents the kids from stopping her having a life but all she had to do was ask for help, we could of worked around it and made it work.

"Hi" she was standing in front of me in a pair of pink shops and a strappy cami top.

I grabbed her instantly and started kissing her sweet, soft lips. I pushed her onto the bed and she wrapped her legs around me kissing me and her hands roaming all over my back. I lift off her top up and throw it on the ground and rub my hands over her breasts and touch every part of her. I slowly move my hands down, and I can feel just how wet she is. I start to insert my fingers slowly and she starts to moan. She unbuckles my belt, pulls my trousers down to my ankles and pulls me on top of her. I rolled her onto her back and slipped inside her

"Oh god" she whispered

I drove himself harder into her. She was whining with pleasure and gripping onto the bed. I could feel myself ready to fill her and I couldn't stop it.

For the first time in months, I made love, not sex but love. Mia was everything I wanted and more and I wasn't going to let her go.


What do you think now about Alex and his affair now we know more about his wife? 

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