Chapter 3

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As I stepped out of the car, the smell of freshly cut grass and cow slurry hits me. I hear cows mooing and instantly I'm reminded my childhood. I missed coming here, my granny died 2 years ago and she left me her house. She live in the countryside in West Cork, in a small bungalow that had the most amazing view of the sea. As I closed the car door i walked over to the door and opened it. 

I took a look around and seen all the photos of the grandparents together and me when I graduated college. A large shiney frame  caught my eye and as I dusted it, I realised it was me on my wedding day with my granny. She looked so gorgeous with her hair curled, her long pink dress and matching pink hat. She looked so proud and so happy. I quickly snapped back to reality and put the frame back down.

After I had unpacked, I went to the shops to get some food and electricity, I was starving and there was nothing here. I drove down the bendy road and found the 'Creamery' the local supermarket. I began picking up milk, bread, eggs, sugar, tea the basics, and I then noticed I was getting a few looks and people whispering.

"Who is she, coming here in her designer clothes and fancy bags" 

I finally finished and went to the till, zoning out remembering how I used to get 2 chocolate bars, one for me and one for Brian and we would sit together having tea and a chat.

"Thats €85.78 please"

"Oh.. sorry I was in another world" I said as i rumbled through my bag trying to find my purse. I looked back at the girl and she had long honey blonde hair, half up half down, and green eyes. Her cheeks were pink and had freckles. 

"Your not from around here are you?" she smiled 

"No I'm not.." 

She smiled at me

"My names Sarajane I live up the road, nice to meet you and you are.."

"Mia, Mia Brooke" then I remembered Im not married anymore I should really go back to my maiden name.

"Nice to meet you Mia, its nice to see a new young face around here " She smiled closed the till and came out from around the counter.

She handed me a piece of paper

"Here's my phone number text me or call me" and walked away.

I stuffed the number in the back pocket of my jeans and carried the box of supplies to the car and drove home.

I checked the clock at it was 9:40pm. I decided to sit out the back and admire the view and the sunset. I placed my cup of tea on the table and looked out at the view. I was so tired and worn out emotionally and mentally. I leaned back and rested my head on the seat and closed my eyes.


As I open my eyes I realised it was dark, there was no sun, I lifted my head up, I seen a cow standing right in front of the table. Calm down, relax I told myself. I slowly started to get up and move backwards not having a clue what was going to happen. The cow started to moo again, 

"Good Girl... thats it I'm gonna move over here and open the door" 

I darted for the door and the cow chased after me, I was screaming and ran for my life grabbing the door handle and closing it as quickly as I could. The cow just looked at me through the glass still mooing.

I am so ready for bed. 

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