Chapter 21

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Alison's POV

I ran around the house trying to find my bag. 

"Mummy, mummy, mummy please were hungry"

"Not now, mummy has to find her bag" I pushed Annabelle to the side so I could open the drawers.

I have been calling Alex's phone all morning and he hasn't answered. We got into a huge fight last night, but I never expected him to stay out ALL night and leave me with the kids. I started to panic. The kids were running around and pulling at my legs and screaming. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and locked myself in the bathroom. 

"Mama please were hungry" They were now banging on the door.

I tried ringing Alex again but still there was no answer. I put my fingers in my ears and started to cry.  I opened the press underneath the sink and had a rummage around to see what I could find but there was only empty bottles. 


I opened the door and walked into the house and I instantly heard crying. I made my way upstairs and into our bedroom and the 3 girls were sat one the floor

"What on earth is going on here where is mummy"

I walked over and tried to open the bathroom door. 

"She locked herself in the bathroom and Amy is hungry she's crying and I can't make her stop" I looked at Annabelle and felt a instant sadness.   

"Right lets go eat something come on" 

We left the bedroom and made our way downstairs into the kitchen, I began to make omelettes and gave Amy a bottle. I was so angry and what I had just seen and I didn't understand why. 

As the girls ate and watched TV,  Amanda fell asleep I made my way upstairs to Alison. 

"Alison, hello can you come out and explain what the fuck is going on" 

The door slowly opened and out she came. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were red and puffy and her mascara was running all down her cheeks. She walked over to me and collapsed in my arms sobbing. 

'Alison what is going on here, you need to tell me so I can help"

She was now crying harder and harder into my shoulder. 

"The kids, there too much"

"Too much... Melissa  I told you not to rush back into work after Amanda its all too much. Look we can get a nanny and some help, anything you want"

She sat up and pushed me away 

"Im fucking fine Alex, I don't need help for my kids, their MY kids"

She started stomping her foot and walking around with her hands in the air shouting and mumbling nonsense. 

I noticed now a large bottle of vodka sat on the side table.

"Have you been drinking?"

She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me 

"No I haven't, how dare you" she stormed across the room ready to slap me but I caught her hand

"Alison, how long have you been drinking?" 

She ignored me and started pulling out clothes from the wardrobe

"If you don't answer me now...." 

"Oh stop it, its only a couple of drinks stop making me out to be some crazy alcoholic" 

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