Chapter 6

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Brian POV

I stepped out of my car and into some run down supermarket, as I walked in I realised this was a huge mistake I should of ordered out instead.They had nothing but shit inside. I passed aisle by aisle trying to pick something out to eat.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I took it out and seen it was my assistant Melissa.

"What did I tell you I will call you not you call me"

"But I missed you, where did you go? I wore your favourite red lace underwear today"

Melissa was the opposite of Mia, blonde, long thick hair, big tits and a really nice arse.

"Look Melissa, Mia knows about us and I need my wife, this was never gonna be anything it was a bit of fun."

I continued to look around and grabbed some prawns and some risotto rice, it was Mia's favourite.

"You promised me you would leave her, you promised me we would be together".

I rolled my eyes and sighed

"its over Melissa were done"

I hung up the phone and loosened my tie. I found a cute little teddy holding chocolates and I grabbed them and put them with the rest of the food. She will love it.

 I made my way out of the supermarket and into my car. My phone started to ring, I looked at the caller ID and noticed it was Melissa again. I hung up put my phone in my pocket and drove home. 

I really do love my wife, I really do she was the woman that made me want to settle down and start a great life together. We had a few fertility problems and way too many miscarriages, it broke my heart to see my wife so upset and to see her world fall apart. But Melissa was aways there wearing short dresses bending over my desk and she took my pain away. I gave into her once, but it continued on for months. Mornings, afternoons, night-times we even stayed in a hotel a few times but she was nothing like Mia.

I pulled up in the driveway and took out the shopping bags. This time I was going to make Mia realise how much I loved her, that she was my everything and how sorry I am. Melissa means nothing to me it was a stupid mistake and I was going to tell her everything. 

I opened the front door and left the shopping on the table.

"Babe, I got some prawns and some risotto"

I started unpacking everything when I turned around to get plates out I noticed her wedding ring and a note

"Watch me do it without you"

"No, No, No, No" 

I threw a cup against the wall and shouted. She can't be gone, she can't leave me, she just can't. For better for worse thats what we said. My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID and seen the name Melissa again. 

"WHAT DO YOU WANT don't you get the message" I shouted at her

"Im pregnant"

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