Chapter 33

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Hi, Im so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, Ive been crazy busy in work and I'm studying for my ITEC in make up so been crazy busy. I hope your enjoying the book and I will try make this chapter extra long. Thanks again to everyone who's been reading this story it means so much! I can't believe I'm nearly on 2 thousand reads! I honestly didn't think I would get 100 so thank you again!

Mia's POV

The days seemed never ending, I felt so lonely, so empty and so angry all at the same time. Never have I experienced a loss like this, I didn't know how to feel, what to say or how do deal with it. Doctors and police officers came in and out, a counsellor but I just couldn't explain my feelings. I stare at the cherry blossom tree, swaying in the wind dropping little flowers all over the place. My mind is on AJ, what would he look like, would he be like Alex, like me? I imagine his little tiny hands in mine. 

"Mia, we are ready for you now" 

My heart is pounding, I feel like its going to jump out of my chest. I make my way into the wheelchair as I still can't walk just yet. 

"Thanks Vicky" 

When your nervous or scared you notice every little detail about the place you are in. I now noticed the walls of the hospital are not cream but a odd grey colour, the strong smell of hand sanitizer , and the wooden floor is actually just cheap lino. 

I was wheeled through a large wooden door into a tiny little box room with white walls and a cream carpet. I was placed right in the middle of the room which now seemed like it was suffocating me.

I see this tiny little white moses basket in front of me all I can do is stare at it. 

"Mia, are you ok? are you sure you want to do this alone" 

"Yes, Im sure" 

She reached into the basket, and picked up this little bundle of white sheets and made her way over to me. She leaned down and gently placed him in my arms. 

I stare at him and he couldn't be anymore perfect. 

Alex's POV

"Thank you for everything bro" 

I hug my little brother and his wife as they began to leave 

"No worries, keep in touch and make sure you tell them about Mia. You deserve happiness too."  

I watch them as they make there way to the car, and I feel little hands wrap around my legs waving exstatically out the door. 

I need to tell them, I need to tell the kids about Mia I don't want to lie to them anymore its not fair on them. I take a deep breath..

"Annabelle, Amy I need to talk to you about something" 

They sit down on the ground in their matching pink pjs and cross their legs over each other and stare at me. This was not going to be easy. 

"Is it about mummy?" 

"No honey, I'm sorry mummy has gone away for a bit longer, and I'm not sure when she will be back"

Annabelle quickly got up off the ground and placed her hands on her hips and turned to her sister

"I told you she doesn't love us anymore this is fucking bullshit" 

I stood there with my mouth wide opened not sure what to say. Amy then starts to cry and Annabelle storms off up the stairs 


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