Chapter 9

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My hotel room was beyond amazing, it had a large bed with crystal white sheets, a gorgeous bouquet of red and yellow roses and smelled like lavender. It reminded me of my honeymoon and the good times with Brian, but I quickly got rid of that thought  its in the past and I continued to unpack. 

I decided to leave the hotel room and walk down a street. New York was amazing, big tall buildings and little boutiques. I found a Starbucks and walked inside. 

"Good Afternoon, what can I get you?" the girl smiled at me

"Just a caramel frappachino please"

I found a table in the corner and looked in the newspapers that were left on the table left for a apartment and a job. I began circling office administrator, Personal Assistant and receptionist. I had previous experience of working in an office as I used to work for Brian. 

"Here you go" She placed the coffee down in front of me

"Thank you"

After a hour, and tones of circling I had a few places in mind and I emailed them all hoping and praying I would hear back soon. I checked my watch and realised it was 5pm and panic set in as I had my drinks with Alex soon. I grabbed my bag, my laptop and the newspapers and made my way back to the hotel room.

It had been so long since I went out without Brian, it felt strange so I made a lot more of an effort. I also need to get over him.

After I showered I began curl my hair and pin it in place. I then started my make up and make up. I applied some foundation, a light smokey brown eye and thick liner and lashes. I loved doing make up, it was always my dream to get into the make up industry. I love how it can enhance someones beauty, and also make you look different. I added my Anastasia Beverley Hills eyebrow gel, glow kit and my Mac Ruby Woo lipstick. 

It was now 6:45 and I changed into a little black dress, and red patent shoes. I unpinned my hair and let the loose curls hang on my shoulders. A quick squirt of Lance est belle and I walked out the door and down to the bar.

10 minutes had past... 20 minutes... 30 minutes still no sign. 

"Would you like another drink" the waiter asked

"Make it a double" 

I got up off the chair and made my way to the bar.

"Oh hun, I was wondering how much longer you were going to wait he's not coming"

I looked up and see a woman with long red hair and blue eyes, her skin was pale and I noticed her freckles. 

"Kourtney is my name why don't we have a drink"

I smiled and nodded and sat down beside her. The barman served me my drink.

"Whats your name hun?"


She took a sip of her drink, and turned her towards me and crossed her legs

"And Mia, what brings you to New York City" she smiled

"I wanted a fresh start, I want to make my dreams happen instead of being a wife.. ex wife.. "

She laughed 

"Don't we all hun".

A few hours later and after a lot more drinks I started to feel drunk, but for the first time in my life I didn't stop. I was really enjoying myself and it felt great. 

"Well hun, I must go home I have kids to take care of tomorrow and a hangover is not going to help me at all". 

She took a napkin and a pen and wrote her number on it and handed it to me 

"This is my number call or text me and we can meet up sometime" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

As I paid for my tab, I decided to leave the bar and head back up to my room. I walked across reception and pressed the button for the lift.


I turned round and Alex ran towards me

"Im so so sorry, the meeting went on so late and I didn't have your number"

I stumbled into the lift with my shoes crippling my feet and ignoring him. He keeps me waiting for hours and now appears 4 hours later, who on earth does he think he is. The lift arrives and he walks in with me

"Alex its fine its nothing."

He stood in the lift of the door so it wouldn't close and I was pressing the button as fast as I could to close it.

He looked so good in his white shirt and navy suite, his blazer jacket clinging on his arm muscles and his light blonde hair messy hair parted over to the side. The light was reflecting on sallow skin and stubble. He looked at me

"Call me a jerk, but I've been waiting so long to do this"

He grabbed him and pulled him into me and started to kiss him, I returned the kisses with his hands roaming all over my body. The lift stopped and I pulled him down the corridor and into the room he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him and we fell onto the bed. This was never something I would ever do, but for once I decided to live a little.

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