Chapter 11

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Mia's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sun beaming in on my face, I groaned and turned on my back and slowly opened my eyes. I had the worst hangover of my life, I got out of the bed and picked up a bottle of water and some painkillers from my bag. I walked over and closed the curtains and slowly and carefully got back into bed. Just as I was about to snooze back off, the door opened. I opened my eyes but the darkness of the room made it hard to see. I jumped up out of the bed 

"Who is there?"

There was a laugh

"Mia, its me Alex"

I breathe a sigh of relief and quickly tried to fix my hair and pull my shorts down

"I hope you don't mind, I took the extra room card and went and got coffee and food" 

Shit, I suddenly remembered kissing him in the lift but after that its blank

"Oh.. um thanks" 

He placed the coffee down on the table and sat down on the end of the bed. 

"How are you feeling now?" he asked

"umm.. ok I think its been so long since I drank so much" 

He laughed and took a sip his coffee

"I enjoyed last night" he winked at me

Oh no, I crossed my fingers and toes and held my breath and asked

"Wha...t happened last night" 

"Well.. we kissed at first and then made our way to the bed.."

Oh no this is it, I'm officially a slut, I had my first one night stand with a stranger and I can't even remember.

"Then you ran to the bathroom and vomitted while hugging the toilet crying" he laughed so hard

"oh God, well this isn't embarrassing" I said taking a sip of my hot coffee.

"Its fine, It happens to us all. Look I gotta go, Ive got a meeting to get to so how about you let me take you out for a proper dinner date, tonight at 8pm."

I couldn't believe it, after vomitting and hugging the toilet, he still wants to go out with me

"Sure" I smiled trying to keep it cool. 

He walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead

"See you later gorgeous"

He turned around and walked out the door, and I jumped around with excitement. 

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