Chapter 22

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1 Month Later

Mia's POV

I stood around waiting, and waiting and waiting. My hands were sweating and my pulse was racing. I walked up and down the sitting room and I checked my phone 20 times already. No, this can't be happening, this can't be happening its not true. I looked at the clock hanging over the kitchen door watching the smallest hand ticking around. 

I walked over to the kitchen counter and the door bell rang. I rolled my eyes and looked at the clock, it was 7:30pm and Alex wasn't due to come over for another half hour. I left the counter and made my way to the door. 

"Hi baby"

I froze and for once in my life I was speechless

"What...what are you doing here" 

He pushed his way past me and walked into the apartment.

"I am your husband Mia, I will always find you but I come with news, great news actually" 

He started walking around having a good look around the place.

"Brian, why are you here please just go we are done, its over"

He laughed at me and pulled me by the arm towards him so I was standing in front of him staring into his blue eyes.

"Are you not going to give your husband a kiss after all this time, gallivanting away"

He grabbed my face and forced my lips onto his

"Anyway Mia, come sit down I have something to show you"

He walked over and sat on the grey velvet couch, and patted it for me to sit down. I made my way over to the second sofa to be as far away as possible.

'What do you want just leave me alone"

 He handed me a little picture, a black and white picture of a baby scan.

"What is this?" I asked staring at the baby scan picture

"This Mia, this is our baby" I looked up at him in shock as the anger builds up inside me.

"Our baby, Our fucking baby are you sick in  the head" and then it made sense in my head

"You got her pregnant didn't you, and you want me to raise your little skanks child" I stood up and flung the picture at him. 

He then stood up and felt a sharp pain go across my cheek and a sting after.

"How dare you, this child is ours Mia, me and you we will raise this baby to be the best give her the best life"

I stood there with my mouth left opened and I raised my hand to cover my cheek. 

"Mia, all the times we tried it never happened it never worked. I got checked out and it wasn't me, I wasn't at fault. We could never have a baby realistically so It was never going to be fully all you babe. We had an issue I sorted it and now we can have a family."

I sat here knowing what he said was true, all the times we tried, all the tests and it just never worked. Every time I was sure I was pregnant, my heart broke when it came back as negative. 

"Think about it babe, Christmas, school, family holidays everything you have ever wanted"

'Its what i did want Brian, I did I wanted it all but you, you made vows you were supposed to be a loving husband not sleeping with her"

He started pacing back and forth, I could tell he was losing his patience

"It was a bad time Mia, I was hurt, I was hurting the fact my wife couldn't get pregnant do you know how that felt for me I couldn't do my job as a husband because you couldn't have a child!" 

I felt sick, I was staring at the floor trying not to look up to let him see me crying

"Baby please, I don't want to see you upset, let me make you tea" He made his way over to the kitchen counter

"NO" I shouted

He stopped and stood still, not moving a muscle. Then turned around to face me with daggers in his eyes

"Your fucking pregnant" he shouted

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