Chapter 32

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Mia's POV

My eyes felt so heavy, my head was pounding, no matter how hard I tried to open my eyes they just wouldn't open. I felt a sharp shooting pain on my stomach. What had happened to me?  I tried again to open my eyes but they just wouldn't open. I began to hear something, or someone talking they were very loud it was just noise at first, but I could make out what they were saying

"You should have looked after her look at her now a fucking vegetable in that bed because of you" 

"Do you think I fucking wanted this REALLY!? I love her and that baby more than anything" 

I started to blink to open my eyes and but the bright light was burning them closed again 

"You really are one ugly fucking piece of work you know that" 

I tried again to open my eyes fully and blink a couple of times, I tried to move my arm up and I felt a intense sharp pain at my stomach. 

"Your gonna fucking pay for this for putting her in that bed" 

I could finally start to see colours and objects that were becoming un blurry. I tried to speak but my throat was so dry I couldn't get the words out. I didn't know what to do, I started to panic and try and move any part of me that I could, but I just couldn't move. I closed my eyes and prayed someone would come in and help me. 

The door flew open and in walked a woman in a long white coat

"Excuse me gentlemen, this is a hospital not a boxing ring. Could you please keep the noise down we have patients in here" 

She instantly noticed me and the fact my eyes were open. She made her way over to the bed and handed me a cup with a straw so I could drink some water

"Mia, how are you feeling" she asked me 

I couldn't say a word so she placed the cup in front of my face and the straw in my mouth. 

"Mia, sweetie we need to have a quick check over of you and make sure everything is ok" 

I nodded my head at her. 

"Would you boys leave please and try not to kill each other." 

"Id like to stay please, I'm the baby father" 

She took my arm and began to stick a needle in it and check my blood pressure. 

"Mia, how are you feeling I know this is a lot to take in at the minute"

I placed my hands on my stomach and hissed in pain

"No Mia, you can't do that, you just had a major operation you need to let it heal" 

Instantly I knew something was wrong.

"My baby?" I asked her 

"Is my baby ok?" I asked again

No one was giving me answers. 

"Alex tell me my baby's ok, why isn't she telling me, why is no one telling me anything I need to know please" my voice began to crack and a river was flowing from my eyes. Alex took my hand and I stared deep into his eyes, tears slowly falling down his pink coloured cheeks. 

"Im sorry Mia, the baby didn't make it" 

" your wrong, your fucking wrong my baby, my baby is fine I protected it I did I protected it" I started to cry, I felt my tears flood my face I instantly wrapped my arms my stomach and I felt such pain. I didn't know if it was pain from surgery, or pain in my heart.

"Im sorry Mia I'm so sorry" he wrapped his arms around me as I began to sob hysterically. 

"No, this cannot be she's wrong she so wrong" I began to howl with tears, pain and sadness. 

"This can't be Alex, please tell me she's wrong, tell me she made a mistake my baby's still in my stomach it's still in there. I haven't even held him yet Alex" 

He couldn't even look at me, he just held my hand in his with his head bowed down unable to look at me. I could see the stream of tears that had fallen down his face onto his shirt. 

"Tell me there wrong" I screamed 

He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was a mess and he looked like he hasn't showered or left this place in days.

"Our beautiful baby boy was born" he choked on his words as he came out

"He was a fighter, he tried for days but he just wasn't strong enough to make it" 

I started to cry uncontrollable, my baby boy, my everything, my life. I had failed to protect him.

"No.. your lying where is he Alex, where is my baby! I protected him I kept him safe, I had to I'm his mother." 

He climbed onto the bed and pulled me in close stroking my hair back and crying with me. I closed my eyes for a second and prayed this was all a dream, but when I opened then he was still there, I was still in the same hospital, in the same room. 

"If I could take this pain away I would in a heart beat, you don't deserve any of this but, your not going through this alone Im here for you and I always will be." 

His words were so soothing, so comforting and made me feel at ease. 

"What are we going to call him he can't be nameless forever ?" I asked him 

"Well I thought we could decide that together" 

"AJ" I replied

"AJ? why AJ"

"Alex Junior, you always said you want a boy named after you" I smiled at him through the tears 

"AJ Winters it is"

I moved closer to him, breathing in the smell of him, his touch, his way and my mind started to drift away and think about what life could have been like if we had AJ. How wonderful it would feel to be a mother and do all the things I dreamed of. Like bringing him to his first day of school, his first hair cut, football practice. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep dreaming of my beautiful baby boy AJ Winters. 

Alex's POV

She lay so still, so peaceful sleeping beside me all I could do was stare. She would make the perfect mother to any child. My heart was broken, life felt unfair and I had to be strong for us. I carefully and quietly made my way off the bed and out the door. 

"How is she" 

"Brian, I didn't know you were still here" 

"Of course I am, I am her husband after all"

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before I answer the prick.

"She's ok, she's sleeping"  

"Look Alex, enough is enough of this shit. This has taught me a valuable lesson, she doesn't love me she wants you. I have a chance at a new life with my own family with Melissa and I think I'm gonna try make that work. Again, I'm sorry for your loss and I'm sorry for everything" 

He stuck out his hand for me to shake it, and so I did. 

I made my way home, I had been away for a week now and all I wanted to do was hold my girls so close. My brother and his wife had come down to look after them while I was in the hospital with Mia. I was emotionally and mentally drained. 

I walked up to the dark house, opened the door and made my way inside. It was comforting yet sad because I believed I would bring him home. I sat down on the large black sofa and took off my suit jacket and lay back on the sofa. 

I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

"Its ok bro, its gonna be ok. They found her and arrested her." 

For the first time in a week, I let my emotions take over began to weep in my brothers arms. 

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