Chapter 12

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After Alex left, I got up out of bed and checked my emails. I had 6 for a apartment and 7 for jobs. i skimmed through them all having a quick glance, I then seen a email from Brian Walker. My heart stopped, I had blocked him out and put my feelings and thoughts aside. It read;

To My Darling Wife Mia Walker,

I wanted to write you a love letter. I know it's a little silly but I thought I'd try anyway. It's just that I feel so much when I'm with you that I try to put it in words, so that you know how I feel about you.

I can't see you right now but I can picture how you are. I see your hair and the way it falls on your shoulders, the way you smile and how you look right before you laugh. I want to be next to you right now. I don't want you to hold anything back.

I can feel you close to me even though you're far away. Please believe me when I say I love you, and that I am so sorry.


I sank to the floor and cried. He was my husband, my childhood sweet heart, my everything. I think back to when we had our first kiss, our first date, my heart hurt so much. I dragged myself up off the floor and into the shower. The warm water ran down my body and washed away my tears. I wasn't Mrs Walker anymore, I wasn't his anymore I am me and I came here to move on and make a life for myself and thats what i intended to do.

As I got myself ready for the day, my phone rang

"Mia darling its me Kourtney, I urgently need your help"

"Hey Kourtney whats up"

"Im currently without a make up artist and have a broadway show to go on, would you be available to work tomorrow?"

"Of course, the more I can get my name out there the better what time do you need me for?

"4pm sharp I will text you the address" 

"See you then"

I decided to take a stroll outside, have a look around and do some shopping. I needed some more make-up for my kit if I wanted tomorrow to go perfect. It was so perfect here, so different from Ireland I loved how it was so busy and there were always people around. I walked from shop to shop to shop taking in my surroundings.  

I strolled back to the hotel to get myself ready for my date, I know its quick to rush into this but I was just having fun. I had never done anything like this before, I was always the good little girl that was a loving and devoted girlfriend, wife and daughter. After my parents died in a car accident I had to grow up and do what was right but I wanted to do things I would never do.

After a few hours of getting ready, I took one glance at myself in the mirror and I was happy. I made my way down to the reception hoping not to fall in my heels. I made my way over to the desk and there he was in his glory. He got up from the sofa and made his way over to me

"You look absolutely beautiful" he kissed me on the cheek and took my hand. We walked outside the front doors and into a limo to the restaurant.

He pulled out my seat and I sat down, and took a look at the menu. After a few minutes we ordered drinks and food. 

"I cannot believe I am sitting here with you, Mia Ryan the most beautiful girl on the street"

I nearly choked on my wine 

"What, don't be so silly" and I placed my glass back down on the table.

" Do you remember what we used to play all the time, all the kids" 

"Kiss chasing" I burst out laughing

"Yes because all the boys wanted to kiss you" 

I started to blush and I took a sip of wine to try and take the redness down

"Remember when we used to play mammys and daddy and we used to live in the little garden at the top of the road" he asked

"Yes of course, all you boys got roped in to playing with us"

We talked about everything and anything. He told me all about his property business, his parents moving here so he could look after them. It was like nothing had ever changed. 

"Here lets take a walk down to the beach" 

I took my heels off and used him for balance, took his hand and made our way down the little foot path onto the soft sand. 

"I was always mad about you Mia, but back then I was the geeky boy no one wanted to play with, it was tough but you always made time for me"

"We were friends thats what you do"

"I always wanted more, but Brian was always there and as you got older he seemed to have won your heart more and more" 

He stopped in front of me and tilted my chin up towards him 

"But now I have my chance and I'm not giving up"

His soft lips touched mine and his arms went around me pulling me in closer. 

This was perfect.

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