Chapter 42

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Alex's POV


"You heard me save the baby by all costs" 

She started screaming again, by this time a few people have heard the screams and have rushed to help. 

"Mia, stop talking like that your gonna be fine and so is this baby" 

"Promise me, Promise me you will save this baby no matter what" 

"Stop it Mia I mean it just stop it"

She begins to scream again, Kourtney and Matt ran down the corridor and fell to her knees destroying her wedding dress.

"Matt take the kids they can't be here" she shouts

"The ambulance is on the way"Matt pushed the girls away from the bathroom and pushed the few strangers that had lingered around. 

"The pains getting worse" 

The tears were now streaming down her face and I began to see a small trail of blood. Kourtney notices it too and starts to put towels down to cover it up.  Without thinking I picked up her and carried her to the car. 

"What are you doing Alex, are you crazy" she screams at me 

"I am not waiting around to se her lose another child I'm bringing her to the hospital myself. Before its too late" 

I got in the drivers seat and drove as fast as I could to the hospital breaking every red light and missing cars by inches. Her screams were getting louder by the minute and her tears were rolling down her face. 

"Its ok Mia, were nearly here just hang in there" 

We arrived at the hospital and I picked her up and ran inside with her. The nurses heard the commotion outside and raced to us with a wheelchair. They rushed her through the large white double doors and into a room. 

"Its too early the baby can't come yet please stop this from happening" 

"Its ok Mia, calm down its not good for the baby dear. We need you to calm down" The nurse reassured her

They placed her on a bed, they took some blood and checked the baby hearts rate. They were whispering amongst themselves and writing on her chart. 

"Mr Winters.. the baby is in a great deal of danger, her heart rate it too fast. We need to slow it down so we can give her some steroid injections to speed up the development of the baby lungs"

Mia was now screaming in pain, and the tears were falling from her red puffy cheeks. I walked over to her and held her hand in mine and looked at her in the eye I could see the pain and the worry she was in. 

"Mia, the baby is coming and I need you to calm down.."

"Calm... calm the fuck down don't you see..

She was cut off by a nurse who could clearly see I was not helping the situation. 

"Mia we need to give you some injections, one is to speed up the development of the baby's lungs so the baby can breathe when out and also to stop the contractions ok.

She nodded and started to take deep breaths and squeeze my hand. I kept telling her it was ok, everything was going to be fine as the nurses called the doctor.

It was 5 hours since we arrived in the hospital and Mia seemed to have calmed down, the nurses were checking on her every half a hour to make sure everything was ok. Kourtney had arrived with some of Mia's things which I was grateful for as she could change out of her dress. 

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