Chapter 23

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Brian's POV

"Who is he Mia" I stared at her

"Who the fuck is he Mia? who got you pregnant??"

 I was now shouting and stomping around the apartment

"Its..its not mine"

"Bullshit, who else is in the apartment" 

"Brian, get the fuck out of my house NOW" she shouted

"Your still my fucking wife, were still married where the fuck is the loyalty"

She started laughing and walked to the back of the grey sofa and looked out the window with her back facing me.

"Thats funny, cos you didn't seem to remember that when you were in our bed with Melissa don't you dare talk to me about loyalty." 

 I stated to walk back and forth. 

"This wasn't the plan Mia, this wasn't how it was supposed to be!"

"Don't you think I know that Brian, this was never how it was supposed to be, it was supposed to be us having a family, me carrying your baby! You know you were always so selfish"

She walked straight up to me and pointed my chest with her finger

"You wanted me to stay at home while you went out on all these business trips, business dinners what the fuck else was going on! You should of been home with me your wife! I loved you more than life, I loved you more than anything or anyone its a shame the feeling wasn't mutual. 

I felt tears welling up in my eyes because she was right, I never once thought of her.

"Mia, I love you, I love you so much I made a mistake a huge mistake it didn't mean anything I swear on my life. You are the first girl that made my heart beat, you made me realise that love is real and you made me see the world in colour. I cannot lose you Mia, please I'm begging you"

I dropped onto my knees and started to lightly sob into my hands.

"I know I was a horrible awful husband, but I wanna be better, I want to be the best" 

"Brian..." she lifted my head up to look at her

"You are going to be a daddy, you are going to be the best daddy you need to start looking out for that baby. We are done, we are over you need to start looking after you and Melissa and this baby. We had our time, it didn't work out and thats ok too" 

She was so calm and collected but she was right, I needed to start thinking about this baby

"Your right Mia, your always right"

she lightly laughed and hugged me

"I know, I will always love you but its time we move on" 

I wiped my face and stood up 

"Thank you Mia and I'm sorry, for everything"

I started putting my jacket on

"When do you want to sort out the divorce" she asked

I felt my temper rising and I clenched my fists together, and threw my brief case against the wall

"Thats it, thats all you want is a fucking divorce, so you and your fucking lover boy can be a family. Let me tell you this, and let me tell you once Mia Brooke. You will never ever get rid of me and let me tell you this..." 

The doorbell rang, I looked at Mia and she looked at me nervously

"Is that him?" I asked her

she shook her head profusely 

"No" she replied

"Well then, you won't mind if I get the door then will you"

"No Brian please, let me get it"

I stormed over to the door and pulled it opened with force and I could not believe my eyes.

"You..." I shouted

I looked at Mia and her eyes instantly looked at the floor

"Him, he's the guy!? are you fucking kidding me" I shouted 

"What do you expect when you have multiple mistresses" he hissed 

I wanted to punch his face and throw him out, but I knew I had to keep my cool. Smug prick just standing there. 

"I didn't know Mia lowered her standards to the lower class" 

I could see a vein in the top of his head starting to show

"Always did want what I had my bike, my car, my business and now my wife"  

I started to laugh and clap my hands, I noticed  his knuckles were starting to turn white. 

"Mia baby, surely theres no competition I'm always the winner, besides he's just gonna turn out like his father, abusive, an alcoholic and a waster"

I felt a punch on the left side of my face and I fell to the ground

"Don't you ever talk about my family do you hear me, EVER." 

He turned around and walked out slamming the door behind him. 

"See what I mean Mia, he's a jerk." 

She stood there with her hands covering her mouth, she stood so sill. 

"Eh, a little help here" I attempted to get up off the floor and spit out the blood that was now forming in my mouth. I went over to her and kissed her cheek, and felt a hard, sharp smack on my cheek

"Get out of my house, get out of my life you are a awful, horrible person and you damage everything around you. Well I am not gonna let you ruin me" 

She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front door opened the door and pushed me out

"Mia, I'm the victim here" 

She slammed the door right in my face. 

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