Chapter 26

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Alex's POV

Work has been manic, I've been keeping myself busy in work and spending the weekends with my girls. Alison still hasnt come home yet and the girls stopped asking about her.

It was a sunny day out and I decided to take the day off to spend time with the girls. We spent all morning making up a jungle gym and after 3 hours later we finally had it all up. I sat down on the grass and watched them run around and play and it made me so happy to see them smile and laugh. I took out my phone and
looked at the photo of me and Mia on the beach, God she was just so beautiful. I thought about ringing her on numerous occasions but I just couldn't.


I turned my head and there she was, in a pink dress with her blonde hair slightly over to one side. The 2 girls ran over to her and hugged her legs but Annabelle stayed at my side.

"What is she doing back?" I looked Annabelle with her arms folded and looking cross at her mother

"Annaballe don't be so stupid, I'm here I'm back come over and give me a hug"

She encouraged her to shoo over but Annabelle was not moving she stayed clung to my side

"Don't be so silly Annabelle stop playing these little games?"

Alison took a step towards her and she took a step back holding onto my legs

" We don't need you anymore"

I stood there with my mouth slightly open in absolute shock at the words that came out of her mouth. Her two sisters just stood there staring confused at this whole situation.

"Just go mommy we don't need you"

I looked at Alison and I could see she was trying to be strong but I could she was hurting, she quickly wiped her eyes to brush away the tears.

"It's been hard on them you left without saying goodbye just packed and left just give them time"

She took a deep breath in and looked at me straight into my eyes

"But you, Alex do you still love me?"

"Look Alison, this hasn't been easy on any of us we need to sit down and talk this out a lot has happened these past few weeks"

"Please Alex, tell me you love me and I'm still your wife I need you"

She took hold of my hand and kissed it and looked straight into my eyes, she looked hurt and in pain. She came closer and lifted up her head and wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me. My phone interrupted us and I quickly stepped back

"Hello" I answered and there was no reply

"Hello is anyone there"

'Alex, theres something wrong with Mia, like really wrong you have to come and see her in her apartment please be quick"

My heart was racing, I didn't know what I was to do should I stay or should I go.My heart was saying one thing and my head was telling me the opposite.

"Alex..?" Alison asked me

"Nothin I have to go"

I hung up the phone and noticed the time.

"Fuck.." I thought to myself

"Whats the matter" she asked

How am I gonna get to Mia's house when I have the kids, I pace up and down trying to think of a way to do this.

"Alex, what is wrong you making me worry"

"Alison please, I need you to leave I have an emergency"

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