Chapter 34

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Mia's POV

It was a cold, dark, wet Thursday morning and at this point I was so sick of being stuck in this hospital. It was exactly a week since I had my baby and I felt like cabin fever was setting in. The only keeping me sane was a nurse named Vicky she had a strong Irish accent and her sense of humour was great.

"Good Morning missy and how are you feeling today?"

"Hi Vicky im okay, not in as much pain but I suppose that then painkillers. Do you know when I can leave here? no offence but the food in here is awful"

She laughed and placed a bowl of cereal on the table in front of me.

"Ah here its not that bad, why don't you go for a walk outside the fresh air will do you good."

She began to check me over

"Is your hot stuff coming in today?"

"I think so"

"Wouldn't mind looking at that face every face every morning, wouldn't kick him outta the bed"

She winked at me and we both began to laugh. But then she left, and here I was by myself again in this cold dark, horrible room.

I didn't know how I felt about Alex, I mean I do love him but I'm in this situation because of him. We haven't even spoke about his wife, why didn't he tell me ? why did he lie to me ? the more I just sit here the more questions I want answered. His kids I don't even know about them his whole life I don't know what. Which leaves me the question was I his mistress?

"Heyyyy Vicky said you wanted some fresh air so I got this wheelchair to bring you out what do you think?"

"Yeah great, just what I needed."

We made our way outside and the cool breeze hit me, but it felt so nice to get some fresh air. We walked out of the hospital and down a pathway with bright coloured flowers either side and a little stoney wall.

"Alex, we need to talk"

He turned the wheelchair around so I was facing him and sat down on the little stoney wall

"Sure whats up"

"Why didn't you tell me you were married? you have this whole piece of your life that what you just magically forgot to tell me?"

He lowered his head so our eyes were not meeting

"Because I wasn't happy, and I wanted you from the first time I seen you in the airport I knew it was you. I couldn't let you go again I wanted you I love you and I need you Mia"

"So what were you just gonna keep me as your mistress and play happy families with them and sneak home to me and our baby? a double life? its all lies Alex all of it is lies"

He stood up and ran his hands through his hair so his back was now facing me.

"All these years, I have waited for the chance to be happy and for a chance with you. You never noticed me or gave me a chance until now I took that chance. It was wrong I know and I'm sorry I can never make it up to you but you.. you are not my mistress, you are the one I want to spend my life with."

"You don't start a relationship on lies Alex, you have kids I didn't even know about until I found them in your wallet nothing you have told me is the truth. How can I ever believe anything you say?"

"Please Mia, I'm willing to do anything to make this work, I just need you"

His stood up and now his back was facing me with his hands on his hips

"My life is a mess right now, I have 3 girls at home who haven't got a mother and I'm trying Mia, I'm trying so hard to protect them and keep them away from all this. Im doing the best I can for them and for you. I know I made this mess and Alison made this mess herself Im picking up the pieces. When I'm with you, its like I have a break, a life, a future and a wonderful life"

My heart was beating so fast, I was watching him before my eyes crumble into pieces. He was broken man. I didn't know what to do, my head was telling me to walk away because he made this mess by himself. But my heart told me otherwise.


"No" he cut me off

"Im not a bad man or a bad guy I've made stupid mistakes but when you told me you were having a baby man, that made me so fucking happy. It was a piece of me and you.."

I stood up from the wheelchair and made my way over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I can never ever tell you how sorry I am Mia, words can't describe it but I feel like I'm battling a war by myself and I have no one"

Our foreheads met, it was the touch I was craving so much, he leaned in and gently kissed my lips it was slow and comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear and his thumb caressed my cheek. I pulled him closer so there was no space between us and I could feel his heart beating against my chest. The next thing I know he had slammed his lips onto mine. I had hardly a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips and I opened to grant his access. My brain lit on fire and the warmth spread throughout my entire body. He picked me up and carried me into a empty room. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed my neck all the way down to my breasts. His two fingers worked inside me, a little uncomfortable but nothing I couldn't handle. He then put his mouth on me while his thumb rubbed around my sweet spot, my eyes rolled to the back of my head. My body was fire and craving him. I lifted myself with my hands and reached pressed him inside of me, I felt him fully enter me and began to thrust. I arched my back as I could feel myself climax, he started to go faster and before I knew it he filled my whole body up.

We both were breathing heavy at this point and trying to gain out breath back

"Im sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just couldn't help it" He said as he began pulling his trousers up.

"You didn't hurt me Alex I enjoyed it" I kissed him on the cheek and we made our way back outside.

He puts his hand into his jacket pocket and hands me a slip of pink paper covered in glitter

"This is for you"

I smile at the odd shaped birthday cake and shapes at the front

"Whats this?" I ask him

"A invitation to a party"

"Who's Annabelle?"

He began to take out a picture from his wallet and handed it to me. It was a little girl with snow white blonde hair and the largest blue eyes and olive skin like Alex's.

"Thats Annabelle my daughter, its her 7th birthday party and she wanted me to invite you"

I looked at him puzzled

"She knows about me?"

"Turns out a little someone knew way too much about us. I know its a bit much and a bit forward but I want to introduce you to them."

I stared down at the piece of paper which was a huge step I wasn't sure I was ready to take I was scared but excited

"I dont know.."

"Just think about it please"

He kissed my forehead and his blue eyes were shining so brightly

"Ok" I answered

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