Chapter 24

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Alex's POV

Things have been really hard these past few weeks, especially at home. I haven't been able to make it into work as much as I have to look after the kids at home since Melissa packed her bags and left. She is gone to her parents house to sort herself out. 

Mia and I have been out on a few dates, the love I feel for her is very different from the love I have for my wife. It has me question myself on my wife as I's relationship. I found a babysitter called Rose a few minutes down the road and is happy to babysit for the money. It has made my life a whole lot easier.  

I had got a bunch of red roses to bring to her place tonight. I put on a pair of black slim fit jeans and a grey t-shirt and I made my way to Mia's place. 

I knocked on the door and waited a couple of minutes, but there was no answer so I knocked again a little harder and the door flew open

"Youuu.." he glared at me 

"what the hell are you doing here" 

I pushed past Brian to get into the apartment and looked at Mia, she looked angry. 

"How are you Alex? hows life treating you?"

He had a smug look on his face that I just wanted to punch

"Please Brian, just leave" Mia pleaded

"I think you should leave Brian, your not welcome here" 

He laughed at me 

"Tell me if I'm mistaken here but she is still my wife so I have every right to be here" 

He walked over and stood beside Mia

"You know Alex I never expected you to still have this childhood crush on my wife "

The anger started to build up inside and I could feel my hands begin to sweat and my neck to tighten. I walked right up to him

"But look who she's with now, you never could keep it inside your trousers once a cheat always a cheat" 

Mia ran over and stood in between us and pushed us apart 

"Brian just go please" 

He stood in the same spot in front of me glaring into my eyes.

" I will go because I'm a good decent husband and for the sake my baby"

"WHAT" I shouted and Mia got a fight

"What fucking baby" 

"Oh wait.. didn't she tell you, she's pregnant with my baby yet again Alex wants what he can't have and is left with nothing."

"Its not true Alex, I swear please believe me not him"

Brian was now standing at the door with his arm holding it open. He gave Mia a kiss on the cheek  

"See you later wife" he winked at me and left leaving just me and Mia.

"He better be lying Mia or so help me"

She looked at me and her eyes started to turn glassy

"I wish I could say it was but its true, I am pregnant but..."

I cut her off and slammed the flowers on the table 

"I can't believe this, I fell for you Mia to be crushed yet again because of him and you let him. How stupid can you be!"

I started to walk around with my hands shaking and my heart felt like it was beating a million miles I just couldn't control my temper

"Alex, please just stop and let me explain you have it all wrong"

I felt like I couldn't breathe, she put her hands on my arms and I almost felt sick at her touch.

"I love you Mia so much"

She looked at me shocked and I couldn't believe what I had said out loud. 

"what?" she looked so suprized 

I grabbed my coat and left the apartment I could hear her running after me calling my name but I just couldn't look at her. 

My life was a mess, I'm in a marriage with someone I don't love anymore and the girl I do is pregnant with another mans baby. 

I made my way home and paid Rose for the night, she was surprised that I was home early but had all the kids in bed asleep which allowed me to catch up on work and look at some more properties to buy abroad, and now seemed like the perfect time to take a holiday. 

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