Chapter 10

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Brian's POV

I walked up and down the hall, waiting for her to arrive. I checked my watch and it was 10:15am she was already 15 minutes late. I walked into the living room and looked out the window, still no sign of her. I picked up my phone ready to call her number and then there was a knock on the door.

"What time do you call this Melissa, I've been waiting 20 minutes"

She walked in the door flung her hair around made her way into the living room

"What, you asked me to come over and here I am" 

"I want proof, I want to see your telling the truth" I said sternly

"Im not lying Alex I promise, I just want to make this work, us to work for once instead of being hidden"

I gritted my teeth together as the anger rose out of me. 

"Just piss on the stick, let me see and then we can sort this mess out" 

I handed her a small paper bag with a pregnancy test in it. She grabbed it out of my hand and made her way into the bathroom. 

"You know, I'm not a total bitch, I do love you and I do want to make this work"

I sighed and turned around so my back was facing her

"Melissa, I.. I just want my wife, I made a mistake I didn't mean for this to happen" 

"But you always wanted a kid, someone to look up to you, take over the business, bring to school you always told me how much you want it. She could never give it to you Alex I can" 

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. She's right, I knew she was but I wanted Mia. She flushed the toilet, washed her hands and place the stick on the counter. My heart was beating and my palms were sweating. These were the longest minutes of my life. 

Melissa walked up to the counter, picked up the test and placed it in front of me. My eyes looked down.

"Positive" She smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek. 

What was I going to do now?

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