Chapter 39

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"Alex.. what.. what are you doing here"

He looked at Matt 

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here" he shouted

He couldn't even look at me, he had a look of anger in his eyes that made me uncomfortable. I continued to walk down the stairs until I reached the last step

"Your... your pregnant!?" 

He shouted and then  his hands covered his mouth, he then ran his hands through his hair and loosened his tie

"Is it mine?" 

I opened my mouth to speak but the words just wouldn't come out, all I could do was nod my head.

"Wow you really are a heartless bitch you know that"

I stood there shook at his words, he then turned around  his back was now facing me as he made his way over to the window and just stared out of it.

"Do you have any idea the damage you have caused"

"Do you know the damage you have caused me" I spat

"Yes, Yes I do Mia, because I have to live through it every single day of what happened to you and know that its my fault. I needed you, I needed you more than ever I had just become a single dad to 3 kids no help and my life was falling apart and instead of supporting or helping me you just left me"

My blood was now boiling, I had been through so much and here he is playing the victim. 

"Do you have any idea what I went through I lost a child Alex do you have any idea what that done to me"

"Yes of course I do Mia, cos I did too me too."

And then it hit me, I was being selfish and thinking of myself instead of thinking about us. He was right it wasn't me that just lost AJ it was him too. 

"I just had a lot more shit to deal with and all you did was.. walk away. Do you have any idea what it meant for me to introduce you to my kids there not babies Mia they remember. Not even a phone call or a text"

"I needed to do what I needed to do Alex, you wouldn't understand"

He started to laugh and now tore his tie off from around his neck and stuffed it into his suite pocket. 

"Im done with this conversation" 

He started to head towards the door shaking his head, I stared at him and watched every inch of his body move. He grabbed the door handle and pulled open the door

"I had to protect the baby" 

I shouted and he stopped dead in his tracks. He just turned his head slightly so I could see the side profile of his face.

"No Mia,  you were just being selfish and thinking about yourself." 

He slammed the front door and I felt the tears fall from my eyes and then a slight whimper. 

"Oh darling im so so so sorry" 

I fell to the ground with Kourtney's arms wrapped around me sobbing into her shoulder. I felt like my world had fallen apart. 

"He's right you know. At the end of the day Mia he is the child's father and when you needed him he was there, but when he needed you... you left." 

The echo of Matt's words echoed in the hall, and he was right. I was being selfish and thinking of myself, but I wanted no harm to come to this baby after everything I have been through, I just wanted to make it work. 

"I thought I was doing the right thing" I cried

"By keeping him out of the baby's life he has missed so much already that he will never be able to make up for."

"Im sorry" I whimpered 

"Its not me you want to apologise too"

I watched him as he turned around and left the room leaving me in Kourtney's arms. She held me tightly and rubbed my shoulder up and down. 

"I need to see him and tell him how sorry I am" 

I wiped my eyes on the sleeve of my jumper and made my way towards the door running down the steps towards the black car that was reversing

"Alex please stop" I shouted 

He ignored me and continued to drive straight down the driveway and out the large black gates. 


I slammed the front door shut as I made my way home. 

"Daddy" Annabelle ran over to me

"Your home early the movie didn't even finish"

"Yeah I have a headache not feeling too good"

She put her hand up to my forehead

"You don't have a temperature" 

I laughed I put her down and held her hand as she dragged me into the living room to watch Wreck It Ralph for about the millionth time. After the babysitter left, I sat down to watch the movie with the girls snuggled into either side of me. 

After another hour the movie was finally over and both girls were asleep. I slowly moved and picked one up and place her on one side and one on the other. I placed them in their beds and tucked them up and quietly began to leave and then I heard

"Love you daddy" I smiled 

"Love you too Annabelle" 

I slowly made my way downstairs and sat in silence for the first time all day, I could hear the rain banging on the window. I began to think over what had happened earlier on. I was so mad, I was so angry at her for not even letting me know she was pregnant. I may not have been a good husband but I would do anything for my kids. My phone rang in my pocket and I checked the caller ID and noticed Matt's name

"Hey Matt, look sorry about storming off earlier"

"Hi Alex"

I instantly felt all the anger rush back inside me and my instinct told me to hang up I took a deep breath to calm myself and stayed silent. 

"I wanted to apologise for everything" 

I slammed my head into the head rest of the sofa and closed my eyes 

"You were right I was being selfish and I was wrong" 

I still sat there in silence, not knowing what to say. 

"I have a scan tomorrow at 2pm at the Ultra Scan Hospital I would like you to come I will text you over the details." 

"Look Mia.."

"No. You have missed out on 4 months and I will not let that happen again" 

I sighed 

"Okay I will see you there"

"Take care" 

She hung up the phone. I instantly felt happy that she was including me but a part of me still it just didn't sit right to me. I didn't know this baby, I didn't see it grow and I missed the first scan already. I felt bad for my kids who have also missed out on seeing the baby grow and the excitement of a new brother or sister. My heart was heavy and my mind was on overdrive. 

I have a choice a make and I wasn't sure if I would make the right one. 

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