Chapter 37

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1 Month Later - Mia

I had made it to California, It was finally  Kourtney's wedding It had come up so quickly since she was last with me and I was so excited. I was a big believer in love, and happiness and marriage even tho my own was a disaster. I hopped into a taxi and made my way over to Courtney's house. 

"You made it" Kourtney squealed as she ran over to me and pulled me in for a hug

"Look at you, I can now see your bump so clearly"  She started to rub my belly

"I know I feel like someone pumped me with air overnight" 

"Come in, come in." She waves me in the door carrying my bags"

"Matthew isn't home at the minute, he will be home at 6pm for dinner so you can meet him then"

Her home was beautiful, large while walls with big glass windows with cream satin curtains, marble floors and beautiful pictures on the wall. 

"Its a fabulous house isn't it, Matthew let me move in and I just love the place" she squealed 

"Its amazing" I stand in awe


she ushered me out to the garden where there was a large pool and a view that took my breath away. She handed me a little blue tea cup filled with tea. 

"So how was the  flight?"

"It was fine, I slept for a bit of it so t was ok are you excited?"

"I am, I've been with a lot of guys but he's, so different I get butterflies and I get so excited when he comes home it just feels..... right" 

I smile and take a sip of my tea

"Im happy for you, I hope he's as good as he said he is"

"So hows your love life?" 

I shrugged my shoulders

" Divorced, pregeant  and loving the single life"

"Oh the divorce I forgot"

"Yeah, he seems happy I need to move on with my life and look after us." I rub my belly and smile. 

"Speaking of babies" she started and began to take a envelope out of her purse and handed it to me

"I have booked a 4D scan of the baby. The appointments at 2pm in the Ultra scan Hospital"

Kourtney's phone began to ring

"Excuse me I need to take this, its the wedding planner"

I stand up and began to walk around the grounds and down to the beautiful garden that was in front. It has roses, the reddest ones I've ever seen. I take one in my hand and smell it carefully not to prick myself with a thorn. I always loved roses, they were so pretty and unique. I continued to walk down the path and when I reached the end I noticed the view and realised there was a beach, the sand was snow white and the sea breeze gently pushed my hair back. 

"WOW" I breathed

Suddenly I jumped when I heard a voice. 

"Its pretty amazing alright, was one of the reasons I bought this place. You should take a walk down to the beach, theres a table and chairs."

I turn around and notice a tall, muscular man with snow white blonde hair and blue eyes and pearly white teeth. 

"Hi, Im Matthew" He puts his hand 

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