Chapter 25

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Mia's POV

I sat in the small room looking around and checking my phone constantly. He still hasn't replied, its been one month now since Alex stormed out and I haven't seen or spoken to him. I sent him texts begging him to come today but I had no idea if he was going to turn up or not.

"Mia, were ready" I heard someone call which snapped me out of my deep thinking

I took a deep breath and stood up, this was it.

"Wait wait wait I'm here, please wait" and I felt relief wash over me I didn't have to do this alone. 

"Thank God your here, I'm so scared"

"In here please"

As we walked into another small white room and took a seat and waited...

"Congratulations Mia, you are now 12 weeks pregnant" She overly smiled at me and shook my hand and handed me a scan picture

"We will need another check up in a months time where we can more check ups" 

She handed me some vitamins and a leaflet. 

"Thats it, so we will book you in again for Tuesday the 24th I will see you then" The nurse got up off her hair and opened the door a clear sign for us to leave. 

We walked outside to the car and made our way back to my apartment

"Mia, are you ok?"

"I'm pregnant Kourtney I really am, this is... this is unbelievable I.. I don't know I didn't think this was possible" 

I was now staring at this picture in complete awe of this little person inside me 

"I am so happy for you Mia" she hugged me and kissed my cheek

"But its time Mia, you and Alex can't continue to ignore and pretend this hasn't happened. You need to confront him and tell him the baby is his"

My heart broke a little, I was so excited to tell Alex but he just walked out before I could explain. Would he be excited? Would he be as happy as I am? I placed the scan picture on the fridge and popped the kettle on and took out two of my white china mugs with flowers on them.

"What happens if its all too quick, I mean we are not even a proper couple, we were just.... I don't even know"

"Fuck buddys"

I turned around to Kourtney who was sat on the breakfast bar nibbling at the food I had taken out

"Do you have to make it sound so bloody dirty" I snapped placing the two mugs of tea on the kitchen counter.

"But its the truth" she said as she took a sip of the hot tea

"Look honey we are gonna have to start thinking of ways outside the box to get this man's attention"

I sighed and blew into my cup to cool the tea down and blew the steam up onto my face

"He won't answer my calls, by now I'm sure I'm blocked they just go straight to voicemail"

"Im so scared Kourtney, all my life I've been the good girl done what I was told. Moving here have completely come out of my comfort zone and now look at me. Trying to get divorced and now pregnant and to top it all off my EX husband won't let me go and this guy I like is avoiding me and doesn't know Im carrying his child."

"Mia,  it will be fine honestly do not let that sleeze ball Brian wreck something so good."

I grabbed my phone and sat on the sofa, my life was now a complete mess the only thing that kept me sane was the fact I was finally having a baby. A little piece of me and it meant everything in this world to me. I was finally going to be a mommy. 

"I know"

Courtney looked at me with a big grin on her face

"Lets call him off my phone, he doesn't have my number so he won't know its you" 

"No way"

"Yes way girl lets do it"

I handed her my phone and she pressed all the buttons. My heart was literally gonna beat out of my chest

"WAIT" I shouted and pressed the hang up button

"What now"

"What do I say? I can't exactly say hello I'm having your baby"

Kourtney burst out laughing

"Well thats one way to grab his attention"

I took a deep breath and looked at her

"Ok go"

She dialled the number again and it began to ring, he answered after 4 rings


I looked at Kourtney and she looked at me, she nudged me and I nudged her

"Am Hello is this Alex?"  Kourtney started

"It is who am I speaking to" 

Then all of a sudden we heard a childs voice

"Daddy, daddy catch me" 

I froze, my lips went dry and my heart was now racing 

"Hello anyone there?" he asked

My mouth was open but no words came out, I was shocked he already has kids, how many, he had this life he never told me.

"Please just hang up" I whispered 

Kourtney gave me a worried look, she could see how upset I was and the tears were slowly starting to come down my cheek she took a deep breath 

'Alex, theres something wrong with Mia, like really wrong you have to come and see her in her apartment please be quick" 

She hung up and dropped her phone like it was poison 

"WHAT IN GODS NAME HAVE YOU DONE" I shouted stood up

"Mia, im so so sorry but let me just tell you this"

She slowly stood up and reached for her bag off the coffee table

"You wanted to see him, now you can he's coming you have about.." she looked at her watch

"10-15 minutes before he gets here so you wanna get ready..... she ran towards the door and quickly left. 

This was it, this was my chance to tell him and I was going to make sure I looked my best.

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