Chapter 30

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Melissa's POV

I grabbed my phone and began to rang Brian, but quickly hung up, I began pacing up and down the room

'Come on think, think, think I have to do something'

How was I gonna get out of this, I shouldn't have opened my mouth. Brian was gonna be so mad, so fucking mad I messed up his plan. I was stopped in my tracks by a large arm that wrapped around my waist

"Where do you think your going?"

"Hi... Brian what are you doing home so early, thought you would be another hour."

I tried not to sound panicked. He brushed my side fringe out of the way and noticed the large bouquet of roses.

"Look, I've been thinking a lot, your carrying my baby and are the mother of my child, we some how have to make this work so what do you say we give this a go? he asked

My eyes widened with excitement, this is exactly what I wanted.

"Yes, of course"

He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in.

"Good, go get ready I'm taken you out."

He kissed me again, but this time i felt the warmth from his kiss. This was the side I loved, this is the reason I fell in love with him. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was going to be me, him and our beautiful baby. I watched him take his suite jacket off and place it on the chair his muscles were so prominent under his white shirt.

Then my mind raced back to Mia, shit what was I going to do. I began to tap my foot on the chair and think how was I gonna get out of this one.

"Baby are you gonna get ready, you can't go out looking like that"

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts

"Sure, sorry"

I raced into the bedroom and began to ring Alison. 


"Alison, what have you done you have me so worried, please tell me you didn't hurt her" 

She laughed

"I didn't do anything Im in a bar at the minute, you should join me a way to say thanks"

"Thanks? Thanks for what?"

"Gotta go, bye"

She hung up the phone, I was confused but felt relieved that she didn't do anything crazy. Tonight was the night I finally have the man of my dreams and my baby and I wasn't going to let anything get in the way. 

Alison's POV

I dropped the knife from my hand and it fell on the ground with a bang. I stepped back and looked at her  body and the bright red liquid that was flowing out from her. Her bump was now more prominent but she still held her arms around it. 

"Please, Alison help me please kill me but not this baby I beg you" 

Her phone began to ring and she tried to reach it, I grabbed it before she could

"Oh look its my darling husband" 

I continued to take gulps of Vodka

"You know, your a home wrecker we had everything a perfect life until you came along we had the perfect wedding.."


"I, Alex, take you , Alison, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part" 

His hands were warm as he slipped the silver ring onto my left finger and looked up at me and smiled. 

"Now that Bride and Groom, have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce that they are husband and wife, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms, 

"I love you Alison Winters forever" 


I wiped the tears from my eyes and began to stand up. 

"You... you took him from me from our family my kids lives"

"Im sorry" she cried 

"I didn't know please save my baby" she cried

Fuck that bitch she had it coming, stealing my life, my husband and then my kids I will not allow it. I took the large bottle of vodka and took a large gulp and raised the bottle up in the air, 

"If my husband is not gonna have me, then he's gonna have nobody"

Her eyes began to close 

"Why, why did you have to wreck it and destroy everything, I gave him the life he wanted I did not you and he still chose you" I shouted while standing over her. I began to hear police sirens getting closer. I decided I needed to run down. 

I washed my hands, took the knife and put it in my bag and covered myself up with my long parker jacket and made a quick exit.

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