Chapter 28

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Alison's POV

Being a good wife and mother was all I was ever good at. I had a nice home, nice life, nice kids. But one day when you sit down and look at yourself and see what you have accomplished, its nothing. When I met Alex we got married very quickly, 6 months to be exact. I fell in love with him because he always made me feel better, and made me feel like I could accomplish anything. I dropped out of college because I was pregnant and wanted to be a good mother and not turn out like my own. 

The drinking started when I miscarried, after some test results I was told that I couldn't have anymore kids. I thought to myself whats the point anymore, if I can't do the one thing I'm good at, but the drink helped me forget. It eased the pain when Alex was there, I was ashamed. I couldn't tell him, I couldn't tell him the one thing he wanted a family, a son I couldn't give it to him. 

I sat looking at the glass full of clear vodka and remember all the things I learned. 

'Its not going to make you feel better, its not going to ease the pain when I'm sober its still going to be there after'.

"Hi Mia" I look up and see the girl I met a few days ago.

"I got your text and you didn't meet me at the coffee shop so I came here and here you are" 

She sat down opposite me in the booth and pulled her long blonde hair over to one shoulder. 

"What is wrong with you"

as she leaned back I got a clear view of her round bump and then she started to rub it.

"Do you want to feel, my gosh I'm sure you could give me some tips you have 3 now don't you? do you want anymore?"

I took the glass and downed the drink back in one gulp. Tears started to form in my eyes

"Mia, talk to me I'm your friend"

That word, friend. I didn't have many, in fact I didn't have any. I spent my whole time as a devoted wife I had left a piece of me behind. The tears started to now roll down my face.

She got out of the booth and came over towards me and wrapped her arms around me. 

"Why don't we go to my hotel room for a chat" 

I nodded. I needed a friend right now.

"I never got your name" I whimpered

"Its Melissa, my friends call me Mel"

Melissa's POV

A few hours earlier:

"Are you meeting her" he asked

"Yes I am, in a cafe" 


He tied his tie and drank his hot coffee from his cup.

"Im thinking yellow for the baby room when we get back, if were going to keep it a surprise then we need to have a plan for when we are home."

He didn't look up just continued to look at his paper

"Hello, Brian" 

he looked up at me with a darkness in his eyes

"I told you, its going to be me and Mia raising this baby not me and you. How deluded do you think I am. Keep to the deal and you will get your money and you can do whatever the fuck you like."


This deal, wasn't worth it anymore I loved the man and he didn't love me but I desperately needed the money. I was about to be kicked out of my apartment because I hadn't paid the rent, and I definitely did not have the money to bring up this baby. 

I watched her sit on the chair in the corner and throw herself down

"My life is a mess Mel, a total mess. My husband doesn't love me or wanna be with me, my kids hate me and me I just love to have a glass, or two" 

I walked over to her and sat on the sofa beside her

"And the worst part is, I can't even have kids anymore and I have nobody" 

She started to sob into her hands. I made my way over to her and wrapped my arms around her shushing her.

My heart was breaking, this was clearly just some woman who was heartbroken and lost. I knew the truth about her husband, the lying cheating scumbag who was too busy fucking Mia that he lost sight on his wife. I was so angry that this poor girl thinks its all her fault when the only person at fault here is Mia. She took her husband away and she took my Brian away. Before I knew it I had opened my mouth

"He's cheating on you" 

I raised my hand up to my mouth, it was like word vomit just came out, I couldn't help it. I didn't just think it, I said it.

"wh...what did you just say" 

I got up and walked up and down the room. Shit, shit, shit, shit why did I just say that Brian is going to kill me.

"MELISSA TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW NOW" she shouted at me and walked up to my face. 

"I.. I can't"

"You can't tell my why my husband is having an affair"

"Alison please, I.. I can't he will kill me"

"Its... its you isn't it" she screamed

"God no Alison, I swear its not me"

I watched her walked up and down the hotel room, babbling to herself. She took out a small canister of her bag and began to sip it.

"Please tell me you haven't been drinking all day, Alison I'm trying to help. Im sorry I shouldn't of said anything now is not the time." 

Before I knew it she had me pinned up to the wall with her hands around my neck

"Who the fuck is she, tell me or so help me god"

I couldn't breath, I was struggling for breath all I could think of was my baby

"OK" I whimpered out 

She let go and I fell to the floor gasping to catch my breath

"I want to know her name and her address"

She sat down on the chair, placed a pen and paper on the table.

"Write down her name and her address"

I grabbed the pen and paper and started to write down Mia's name

"QUICKLY" she shouted

I began to write 

'Mia Ryan 128 Lakelands Gate' 

I passed the paper back she took out another canister but this time I got a strong smell of whiskey. 

"That bitch is gonna pay"

She opened her purse and place $100 on the table, got up and left with the door slamming shut behind her. 

I wrapped my hands around my bump and cried. What had I done

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