Chapter 4

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Few weeks later
Colby's POV
After we posted the fan fiction video the whole world exploded. Ok not really but everyone seemed to believe that me and Sam were dating. They had even created a ship name, we were known as golbrock or Solby. Even more fan fiction came out and so many people kept pestering us about it. Things have been kind of awkward between Sam and I since  we filmed the video. We had just gotten back from suicide bridge and it was about 4am. I mumbled a goodnight to Sam and quickly slipped into my bed. Within about an hour of being asleep I heard a scream come from sams room. He must have had a nightmare, so I crawl out of bed and walked over to his room. I tap lightly on the door,
"Sam?" I ask.
"Colby is that you?"
"Can you come in here I- I ne-need y-you." I open the door and see him curled into a ball rocking back and forth on his bed. I rush to his side and wrap my arms around him.
"Sam baby shhhhh, I'm right here your gonna be fine."
"Y-you died. We were playing the Oiji board and a demon possessed y-you and you w-walked off th-the b-bridge." He started to cry into my chest and I started to run circles on his back. "It was just a dream in right here. I'm not going anywhere."
"Can you sleep with me tonight?"
"Of course Sammy," we slipped u set the covers and sam clung to me until he fell asleep. Then it became a soft cuddle.
"I love you Sammy," I whispered as I kissed his forehead then a drifted off to sleep with Sam floating around in my head.

The next morning
I open my eyes and see sam still cuddled close to me fast asleep. He looks so cute when he sleeps. As I'm looking at him I'm remembering when we filmed the fan fiction video. I also become very aware that both of us are just in our boxers. I smile, remembering how red Sam had turned when Corey had walked in. Oh I would just love to make him that red again. As if he could read my mind he wakes up and pulls himself on top of me.
"Good morning Colby bear," he purred
"Morning sleepyhead," I stared into his sweet blue eyes and just couldn't help myself. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips to mine. He laughed into our kiss and kicked my bottom lip asking for access. I smiled but didn't give him access. He whined a little before pulling at the waistband of my boxers so it snapped against my skin. I gasped which gave him the access he wanted. I laughed as his tongue explored my mouth, so I flipped him over and started to grind on him without detaching our lips. He moaned and I could feel his hardness on my thigh.
"Do you like that?" A purred as I went a little faster.
"Oh is that so?" I start to bite his ear and he moans even louder.

Sams POV
This is not how I expected the morning to start, but hey I'm not complaining. I let out a moan as Colby bites my ear and I can feel his breath on my neck as he laughs. Then he starts to kiss down my neck then my chest until he got to the hem of my boxers.
"Hm" he said thinking with a wicked grin on his face. "Maybe I should get ready for the day." He started to pull away, but I latched my legs around his waist and moan "No Colby bear don't leave me!"
"Why shouldn't I?" His face still had that stupid cute smirk.
"Because I neeed you!"
"How bad?"
"Really bad!"
"Oh yeah? Beg for me," I rolled my eyes internally. I pulled him closer with my legs and whined
"Please Colby Please stay with me. I really want you really really really bad. Please please please!" He laughed and slid a little closer. He put his hands on either side of my hips and looked over my entire body. I could tell he wanted me but something else was in his eyes like he was planning something. Oh no. He slowly started to tug off my underwear and I bit my lip. He has no idea how bad I want this. But then he starts to rub my inner thighs and kiss my neck. God damn it!
"Colby!" I whine
"Hm?" He asks very aware of what he was doing.
"Stop teasing me!"
"Awwww your cute when your mad," a smile played on his lips. Then he slowly kissed down my body and I tenses up a little in anticipation. I don't know how much longer I can take if he's gonna keep teasing me.

Colby's POV
Sam was getting annoyed but it was so cute when he was upset. I decided I would give in only because it was driving me nuts. As I was kissing my way down his stomach I could feel him tense up and it made me smile. I moved a little slower to make him wait as long as possible then I slowly started to stroke him. He was biting his lip trying not to make noise but I laughed and said "Baby holding in moans is unhealthy for you." He moaned deeply as I started to stroke him faster. What he hadn't noticed while he was begging me was that I had already slipped out of my boxers. I started to grind on him and he looked surprised at first, but then sighed in pleasure soon after. I could tell he was slowly starting g to reach his climax, so without warning I shoved deep inside him. His breath caught right before he screamed out my name with pleaser dropping from every letter.
"Oh god...harder please....faster mmmmmmm" he moaned. I obeyed his every command and had almost reached my climax.
"Colby I have to cum."
"Wait babe I want to do it together," I pounded him harder and faster. Almost almost.
"Ok baby your good." I sighed as my liquids shot inside of him.
He flipped me over and squirted all over our chests. I cleaned up his mess pretty fast.
"Mmmmmm Sammy you taste so good." I said sucking the last of his juices off my fingers.
"That..... was the best sex I have ever...had," he sighed flopping onto the bed. I smiled and curled up next to him and we both fell back asleep.

What up YouTube. Lol jk Sam and Colby pun. Anyway I really hope you guys like this chapter it's my longest one yet 1117 words you guys. If you have any ideas on what should happen next or if they should get caught where and by whom? Love ya guys, good nigh 😘🌝

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