Chapter 24

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Colby's POV

Sam and the twins weren't aloud to come home for the next three days, since the doctors wanted to make sure all of them were safe and healthy. I pretty much spent all of those three days in the the hospital with Sam and his family, and the doctor had explained to us that they would be able to be driven back home once they were two weeks old. I could tell Sam was excited about heading back to LA, he loved visiting his family but I knew he missed the sounds at night and all of our roommates. At the moment Sams family had gone to get us food from in and out since Sam hadn't had a burger in about a week. I was holding Jayden while Sam was holding Elizabeth, who was laying on her stomach sprawled out across his chest making me smile.

"She's just like her father when he sleeps with me" sam said and I laughed lightly as I watched her.

"That's because your so nice to cuddle with." He smiled and gently kissed the top of Elizabeth's head.

"It'll be interesting to see how the act as they get older."

"Yea. It'll be cool to see which parts of us they have."

"Exactly." Elizabeth shifted in his arms and rested her head on his chest so she was looking at me and her bright blue eyes opened slowly. She smiled sleepily as she looked at me and I waved at her. She snuggled closer into Sams chest as she watched me, and Jayden reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling it back to his chest making Sam and I laugh. A few moments later Sams family came back, bringing in food that smelled amazing. Sam told them he would eat later, since he didn't want to give Elizabeth up just yet, and I gave Jayden over to his mom while Ally handed me my food. I thanked her and started eating as I continued to watch Elizabeth who was still looking at me with a lazy smile.

"You know, Elizabeth looks a lot like Colby in the mornings" Ben commented making us all laugh.

"That's what I had said earlier"
Sam responded as he gently rubbed her back. She stretched a little and yawned making everyone aww as we watched her. I think Sam would have held her forever if his stomach didn't growl. He gently handed Elizabeth over to ally before he started to eat happily.

So I'm just gonna skip to when they are older since infancy is a little boring to write and read about.

When we had gotten home two weeks after the twins were born we found out that the roommates had decorated a room for the twins to stay in. It was so beautiful and Sam actually cried a little which made t even better. And now that the twins were thee the roommates had updates the cribs to small beds. Elizabeth and Jayden are honestly quite good kids, when Jayden doesn't have a huge amount of energy. Unfortunately this was not one of these times. He was zooming around the house with Elizabeth's stuffed bear, making her chance after him.

"Give it back!" She squealed as I looked up from my phone. "Give it back that's mine!"

"You can't catch me you can't catch me" Jayden taunted and I stood up with a sigh and walked over to the running toddler and scooped him up as he ran passed me, making him squeal. "No fair no fair!" He whined as I held him in my arms.

"I think this is very fair. You know you can't run around your house, and you can't taunt your sister like that. Give her her bear back" Elizabeth was standing at my feet with her arms held out. Jayden sighed and dropped the bear in her arms and she smiled, hugging it close to her before she skipped off.

"No fair. You ruined the fun" he huffed, crossing his arms. I cracked a smile and shook my head as I ruffled his brunette hair.

"You know the rules. They're in place for a reason, not just to be mean." He huffed again and kept his arms crossed. Sam walked in the door that moment, coming home from a photo shoot. He raised an eyebrow at Jayden in confusion as he walked over to us and kissed me.

"Why do you look so grumpy?" He asked Jayden who looked back at him with irritated eyes

"Daddy took away my fun" he whined

"He was running around the house with Elizabeth's bear and taunting her." I clarified and he nodded.

"J you know better than that. Not only is it not safe to run around the house but she's your sister, you're supposed to take care of her, not taunt her" he sighed and huffed again as I laughed lightly.

"It's still not fair. She's always pointing out that she's the older one because she was born a minute before me" he whined and Sam laughed lightly.

"Then just ignore her. She does it when you annoy her so be nice and she won't tease you about it." He said and Jayden huffed but nodded. I then put him on the ground and he walked over to Elizabeth and hugged her. We could here him apologize and she smiled and hugged him back, forgiving him. I smiled and Sam put his arm around me as we watched our sweet little twins.

"They are so cute and sweet. They will defiantly be good people when they grow up" sam said and I kissed the side of his head.

"Thats because you gave birth to them"

"Yes but you helped in their creation" I laughed softly and sighed as I watched them. Then Corey came downstairs and told us he's watch them, I reached over and grabbed Sams hand and we walked upstairs and disappeared in our room, it's time we had a little time for just the two of us.

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