Chapter 9

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Sams POV

Colby had been next to me a minute ago and now he was gone. I had a feeling that he was just screwing with me which is why the camera was still here but I didn't like this. Something felt odd and it had gone really cold right before Colby had disappeared. I looked back into the room and almost screamed out of shock when I saw a girl sitting there on the bed.

" well hey there" she said in a hazy light voice.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing Samuel." I froze. "To answer your question I live here and my name is Mary"

"Your-your......what did you do with my boyfriend?" I hissed as I took a step toward her.

"Oh the cute brown haired boy you were with? He's fine don't worry." She snapped her fingers and a snow globe appeared on her nightstand that looked just like our apartment. I walked over to the snow globe and picked it up. I almost dropped it out of shock when I saw Colby trying to push brennen off of him as Brennen was trying to get to him. I growled darkly and glared at her.

"Let him out. NOW!"

"Oh but I think Brennen will make him quite happy, especially when your note appears on the table." She giggled and snapped her fingers. I didn't know what she was talking about but it scared me and I wanted it to stop.

Colby's POV

I had woken up in our room at the apartment. When I had walked out into the living room Brennen had pinned me to the wall and was trying to make out with me and I've been trying to get him off of me.

"Sam doesn't love you Colby and if you don't believe me read this" he sighed handing me a piece of paper that I hadn't noticed he had been holding. I took it from him and looked at the note, it was from Sam

I can't believe you actually fell for that, who knew $200 would be so easy to get from Kat. She didn't think I could do it but it was as easy as taking candy from a baby. How the fuck could I love someone like you faggot? God get a real life or do the world a favor and kill yourself. Peace out

I stared at the note completely stunned. I sat on the couch and felt my heart break in two, which Brennen decided to take advantage of. He climbed onto my lap and instantly started kissing me and I let it happen. There was no reason pushing him off when Sam didn't love me anymore. Tears ran down my face as I leaned against the couch in defeat and pain. I heard a muffled no come from somewhere around me and it keeps bad sounded like Sam. I pushed Brennen off of me and looked around confused.

"What the hell Colby?" Brennen growled at me from the floor. I ignored him and kept looking around trying to see if I had just imagined it.

"Colby it's not real, I'm right here and I always love you. I would never hurt you like that your my world." A muffled voice said. I looked up and almost jumped back when I saw Sam looking at me from what was supposed to be the ceiling.

"S-Sammy?" I stammered as I looked up at him" he was about to say something but whatever it was was stopped when brennen threw me to the ground and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"He doesn't want you" he whispered to me. "He doesn't love you that's why your here, so you can be loved and he can watch what pain he's caused you." I squirmed in his arms.

"Your wrong, and your not real. He will always love me no matter what." I elbowed him in the stomach and jumped out of his arms running to the wall.

"Sammy get me out of here please!" I said starting to cry as I pounded on the glass that separated us.

"I will baby I promise" I had tears running down my face and then Brennen grabbed my waist and yanked me back. I screamed and tried to reach out for Sam but it was no good. He tied me to a chair and slapped me hard.

"He's lying to you when will you get that through your head?" I whimpered and struggled trying to get out but it was no good.

Sams POV

I growled darkly and turned to Mary.

"Let him out. Right now."

"Only if you make a deal with me."

"What kind of deal?" I heard a muffled scream and winced.

"Give me your body and I let him out."

"Let him out first and I'll give you my body so that you can live out the rest of your life."

"Sam no!" Came a squeaky voice from the globe.

"Fair enough." She snapped her fingers and Colby was gone and Brennen slowly dissolved. I looked at the door and saw Colby appear and I sighed with relief. He looked at me with fear filled eyes and had cuts all along his arms and neck. He tried to run to me and then slammed into nothingness. I turned to Mary in angry confusion.

"He will only be free once I have control of your body." She said simply. I sighed and sat on the bed next to her as I looked at Colby and mouthed. 'You can save me' then my body started to tingle and I felt myself going numb. Colby was screaming something along the lines of stop or no but I couldn't hear whatever he was saying as my eyes started to close and the last thing I saw was Colby crumpling to the ground sobbing then everything went dark.

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