Chapter 7

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A/N: hey guys I'm back. I think I'm gonna try an idea i came up with so the story has a better flow to it but I saw that it had 3K reads so I knew I couldn't just abandon you guys so here's another chapter I hope you guys like it.

***The next day***

Sam's POV:

Today we were going to tell our friends about us, god I'm so nervous. And I can tell Colby is too because he keeps messing with his hair. Elton, Corey, Devyn and Amanda were supposed to come to our apartment at 1:oo pm, so we had about half an hour until they got here. I walked over to Colby who was still clearly a nervous wreak and kissed him softly.

"Hey, everything's going to be fine. Their our friends and they'll support us no matter what."

"I know," he sighed smiling a little. "I just... I don't know how their gonna react you know?"

"Yea I get it, that's why I've been so hesitant to tell anyone because I don't know how they'll react, but we have to try because we can't stay secretive forever," I lightly push his bangs out of his eyes as he takes a deep breath. He kisses me sweetly and gives me a hug, then there's a knock at the door.

"Well," I sighed. "Here goes nothing." I opened the door and invited them all in. They all took a seat on the couch and Devyn looked really excited and I don't know why, but i shrugged it off.

"Ok," Colby said as he looked at me and I gave him a small nod. "There's something we need to tell you,"

Colby's POV:

After I said those words I took a deep breath and looked at all of our friends.  Then I looked at Sam and he smiled encouragingly.

"Oh god," I laugh nervously. "Where to start?" I think for a minute. I know the only real place to start would be the day of the fan fiction videos, but it went so much deeper than that. I knew before than how I felt about him. So I started the day I knew I liked him, our second year of highschool.

*** writing as a flashback just imagine he's telling them what happened***

It was the second week of  sophomore year, and I had known Sam for about a year now. We had met at band camp freshman year and had started to hang out because we both had a crush on the senior drummer, well at least that's what I had told Sam. The truth was I had no interest in girls, never had and never will because I was completely gay. Of course I wasn't going to this new kid that, and I will admit she was hot so I told him I liked her too. We became really close during band camp and made it through our first year of highschool together. Now we were gonna do it again, and we had every class together which helped both of us a lot. I think that was the year we started YouTube too. We spent any moment that we weren't doing school related things to make a fool of ourselves on the internet, and a lot of people seemed to like our videos. Jump to about half way through the school year, there was a dance coming up and I was really not planning on going. Then one of the girls in our science class asked me if I wanted to go with her and I politely declined her offer. Sam couldn't believe that I had just rejected a girl that had asked me to the dance. I knew I had to tell him, and I knew I could trust him with any secret because he trusted me with his. So I looked at him, took and deep breath and stuttered.

"The reason I rejected her was because ..... I-I'm G-Gay," When I had finally gotten those words out he simply smiled at me and nodded.

"That makes sense, thanks for telling me Colbs." and honestly that was the best thing that had happened to me so far. We ended up just hanging at his house the night of the dance and that's when I realized that he was the closest friend I would ever have. Now jump to a few weeks ago when we were filming a video. Corey I'm sure you remember what video we were filming

"Yea weren't you guys re enacting fan fiction about the two of you?" I nod and smile a little

We had filmed like what 3 different fan fictions and after we filmed the last one I had told AJ that I had to talk to Sam and well stuff happened. Corey remember how you walked in and asked why Sam was so red? Yea that wasn't because we were filming fan fiction. Sam laced his fingers with mine and I took another deep breath as I smiled at him. I could see Devyn out of the corner of my eye and she looked like a little kid in a candy shop.

"Wait does that mean..... that you two are like dating?" Corey asked us with a smirk on his face. Sam nodded as he looked at our friends who were all smiling back at us.

"I knew it." Corey said as he turned to Elton. "You know what that means Elton." Elton laughed and rolled his eyes and handed him a twenty.

"Wow betting, real mature you guys" I laugh as I had my arm around Sam.

Sams POV:
I smiled up at Colby as he had his arm around me. It felt really good to tell our friends about us.
"I am so happy for you guys" Devyn squealed. Amanda laughed as she nodded.
"Honestly though we all knew it would happen eventually" I laughed and smiled at them. It felt like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I knew it made Colby happy that our friends knew. Maybe things would finally get easier for us.

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