Chapter 26

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12 years later.

Elizabeth's POV

After being kidnapped, I had become intensely closer with everyone in my family. It had scared me a lot, and taught me that any moment could be my last. My brother and I were a lot closer, he protected me from jerks at school, and had helped me through friends and boys and drama and everything else. I didn't know if that girl had died or not but I had a feeling that she was still around. At the moment I was laying across Jayden's lap while I was scrolling through my Instagram while he played video games.

"So I get to meet him today?" He asked me while he shot a zombie to the ground. I smiled and nodded as I looked up at him.

"Yea, Martin should he here any minute. Please don't chew him out like last time. Okay? You can chew him out if he hurts me but not before."

"Alright alright. But only because he isn't a player." I laughed and smiled up at him.

"Thank you. How's Angela?"

"You mean Tyler's kid? She's pretty good."

"Have you two gone out recently?"

"We haven't been able to. She's been helping her dads with their music, but we sneak away during lunch"

"Good" I smile and there was a knock at the door. I hop up and Jayden laughs. "Oh shut up" I tease him before walking to the door and opening it.

"Hey beautiful" Martin said when he saw me and he softly kissed my lips as he pulled me close to him.

"Hey yourself mister" I said with a giggle as there were footsteps coming down the stairs.

"And you were worried about me" Jayden teased from the living room and I roll my eyes laughing.

"Don't let my dads scare you. They just love me."

"Well good because I love you too." I smiled as he hugged me and Colby came down the stairs first with Sam right behind him.

"Well who's this?" Colby asked as he looked the guy up and down. Martin was the first guy I let my dads meet, and by that I mean he's the first guy to come to my house.

"Dad, daddy, this is boyfriend."

"Ohhhhh this is your boyfriend?" Sam asked as he leaned against the wall and looked at him. "Mind if we chit chat for a second?"

"Sure thing." Martin said smiling. I gently kissed his cheek before I walked past my dads.

"Don't be too hard on him okay? I don't want you to scare him off." Colby smirked and winked before they took Martin by the shoulders and guided him to the prank room. I went back to sit with my brother who was now texting, and by the grin on his face, I assumed it was Angela. He looked up when he heard me walk in and smiled.

"There's a chance I get to see A today." He said as I sat next to him.

"That's awesome J. You guys gonna see a movie or something?"

"We're gonna try to meet up at the skate park. My boards still in the garage right?"

"Yea. I put it back don't worry"

"Awesome. I can't wait to see her today." We sat there talking and a few minutes later my dads and Martin came out with a smile on their  faces.

"I'm guessing it went well?"

"He's alright. He's been warned but he's alright." I smiled and hopped up, wrapping my arms around Martin who picked me up, causing me to giggle.

"You ready to go to the movie pretty girl?"

"Yea, but there's someone who wants to say hi first. Jayden come here!" I called and I heard him get up. He walked down the hall and smiled wide when he saw Martin.

"Oh my god no way." Martin said as he walked over to Jayden and they did some handshake while he held me on my his hip. I laughed as I watched them.

"You two know each other I guess?" I asked and they laughed.

"Hell yea. Martin played football with me for years. He's QB on the varsity team, but I'm guessing you knew that."

"I totally didn't put that fact together. I should have known that you two would have met up at some camp." Jayden laughed

"At least you know I approve of him. I know he won't hurt you."

"That means a lot Jay thanks" Martin says with a smile. A grin and rest my head on my shoulder with my small bag around my back.

"Come one we're gonna be late for the movie."

"Alright alright. It was nice meeting you guys. And seeing you again Jayden. We'll be back later"

"Bye you guys have fun" daddy called as we walked out the door. "As try to stay safe please."

"We will I promise" I said as I waved to everyone before he carried me to his car and we got inside.

"You really want to go watch a horror movie?" He asked looking at me surprised.

"Yes! I love this series. I've seen each movie like a thousand times, so now that they're putting them all in one movie I have to see it" he laughed at me and shook his head and kissed my cheek.

"You are so dorky. I love you" I blushed and smiled as I looked at him with bright eyes.

"Now come on let's go. I don't want to be late." He started the car and laughed as we drove to the movie. I just didn't know I wasn't going to make it to the movie. We were at an intersection and the light was green. As Martin started to drive through the section, this black car slammed right into the front of the car, sending us spinning as glass showered us and the metal had crushed in a little, making it hard to move. My head smacked hard against the window, cracking it and smashing glass into my head. Everything seemed to slow down and I felt like I was underwater. I could hear Martin yelling something while the squeak of wheels faded into the distance, and as the black car faded so did my grip on the world as I slipped into darkness

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