Chapter 19

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Sams POV

On the way to the restaurant Colby posted the video from his phone and I sighed as we waited to see the reactions. Of course we didn't get to see how people responded because the video took forever to upload, so by the time we got to the restaurant the video had just uploaded.

"It'll be okay." Colby said as we climbed out of the car and I nodded.

"Yea because you flipping proposed to me in a video and I'm sure everyone who watched it will be squealing like crazy." He laughed and we walked inside and got a table. As we sat down and started flipping through the menu and joking while I would glance over at my new beautiful ring again and again, there was a very quiet but very noticeable squeal.

"What is it?" I heard an older woman, maybe a mother, ask.

"S-sam and c-Colby are having a baby and they're engaged." There was more quiet squealing and my mom looked over at me with a smirk. Colby and I looked at each other before glancing over at the table a few feet away from us with a smirk.

"Oh lord" I heard the mom laugh. You are too involved with those boys."

"They're here in Kansas" she squeaked and her friend or sister was looking at her in awe.

"Wait really?!"

"Yes! Their here until the baby is born." We hand gotten up at that point and we had quietly walked over to the table, the mom watching us with a soft smile. "And I'm really really hoping we run into them at some point this week."

"Oh do you?" Colby asked her as he was standing behind her. I smirked as we watched her and her friend stiffen with a squeak. I watched as they slowly turned to face us and their jaws dropped.

"" she squeaked before bouncing up and down with her friend while their mom laughed. We smiled and looked at each other until the two girls had calmed down enough to form sentences.

"I-is this actually happening?" The other girl asked as they stood up together looking at us in awe

"Yes it's actually happening." I said as I gently hugged the girl closest to me while Colby hugged her friend. The girl I was hugging gently placed her hand on my stomach which made me smile. Then I saw her face change slightly as she slowly moved her hand along my stomach. She then looked between the two of us with a smirk.

"I'm guessing you don't know the gender yet"

"No we don't...why?" I asked nervously. She looked at her friend, who's eyes quickly widened before they both giggled as she pulled away from me.

"Oh no reason. Just asking." She smiled then went back to giggling. "I can't believe we get to meet you though. Like this is completely and utterly insane." Colby cracked a smile as we all started talking. Then my mom came over and we took all kinds of pictures before we just talked for like twenty minutes. We eventually said our goodbyes when the girls had to leave as we hugged them once more before walking back over to the table, but I couldn't stop thinking about the girl I had hugged. It was like she knew something that we didn't. Once we sat down again Colby looked at me knowing it was bugging me

"She's a fan of ours that just saw the video, she's probably messing with us you know?" I nodded and sighed, but still it still wouldn't leave my head.

That night when we all went to bed, I couldn't seem to sleep. My thoughts were to awake with all of the things that that girl could have known. Did she know the gender? Did she know something was wrong? Was she just screwing with us? Well probably, but my brain wouldn't let me think that. Of course my thoughts wouldn't last long because Colby started to whimper and shake.

Colby's POV

It was all a dream of course, but I didn't know that. And it was terrifying.

I opened my eyes to the sound of a scream. I looked to my right to see that Sam wasn't laying next to me. I instantly sat up and jumped out of bed. Oh god oh god oh god, she couldn't be here right? She didn't know where Sams parents live right? Well I mean she might have been here before, but I stopped when I heard another scream.

"P-Please...." I heard Sam whimper. "Please just leave me alone!" I heard Sam wail and I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw him tied up on the ground and Katrina was standing over him, bloodied blade in hand. She turned and smiled when she saw me.

"Well well Well. Looks like the dearest boyfriend has finally come to see the end of his happiness." She giggled and raised the knife and I started to run toward her. Sam was looking at me with fear and sadness and pleading.

" us." He whispered before she slammed the knife right through his stomach as he gasped and I screamed. Katrina smirked and slowly pulled the knife out and turned, walking out of the house. I ran to Sam as I was crying now as I looked at his stomach and it was bleeding horribly.

" please no I can't lose you. I can't lose either of you." I sobbed as I looked at him. He looked back at me but his eyes were full of anger and hate and loathing.

"Why?" He spat. "Why didn't you save us?! Why did you let her kill us?" He growled and he cried. "Your the reason they're dead! Your the reason I'm gonna die!" He screamed and I started to cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I sobbed as I reached out to touch him and he swatted my hand away.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" He scream one last time before he started to cough. As he was coughing up blood the house started to shake, a faint voice telling me to wake up. The shaking got worse as Sam collapsed on the ground dead. My vision blurred, the world around me shaking and the voice growing louder. Soon everything went black.

I shot awake with a gasp as tears were pouring down my face, and Sam was holding my shoulders.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay it was just a dream. None of it was real." I looked at him with soft eyes and I nodded though I couldn't stop the silent tears that were falling.

"God it seemed so real. I thought—I thought she killed you and...." I thought back to the dream. He had said they're, as in more than one....but he could have just used it due to the fact that I didn't have a gender to put in place,right? Sam pulled me close to him and he gently rubbed my back as I cried into his shoulder and tried to calm down.

"It's okay though, it was only a dream. It's gonna be okay." I cried for a few more minutes before I had calmed down enough to talk.

"S-Sam do you think that dreams can predict the future?" He looked at me with soft eyes.

"I don't think I'm going to be attacked baby I promise." I shook my head.

"No not that. I know that was just a dream. In the dream had told me that I was the reason they're dead. And I—I think you meant more than one person." He looked at me stunned for a second before he smiled softly.

"Well maybe dreams can predict the future, or its playing off of what you want to happen." I sighed and nodded as I curled up close to him. "We'll know in a few months though." That's true, in a few months Sam had his appointment with Linda, then we'd find out the gender of our precious baby.

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