Chapter 6

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Few weeks later

Colby's POV

Sam and I have been through a lot. Sam had to deal with Kat and so many stupid nightmares. And I have to deal with keeping my relationship with Sam a secret. I've wanted to come out for awhile now, but Sam is still scared to do so and I am leaving it up to him on when we tell people. I mean my parents already know I'm gay because my aunt let it slip when she had caught me with my first boyfriend, but I have never really said anything about it otherwise. I woke up curled in my bed to the sound of tapping at my door. I turn over and see its barley 1:30 am so I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Colby," I hear someone ask. It was Sam, but I knew he didn't have a nightmare since I didn't hear him scream.

"What is it Sam?" I ask feeling a little concerned.

"I can't sleep," he says sheepishly as he stands in the doorway.

"Why not?" I cock my head to one side. Something has to really be bugging Sam for him to be standing in his room not being able to sleep.

"I've had something on my mind and I can't seem to get rid of it. But whenever I sleep with you it goes away long enough for me to sleep." He seemed really nervous about that fact, but I simply smiled and scooted over.

"Come over here then," I said holding my arms out. "And you can sleep in here as long as you need to."

"Thanks," he sighed before quickly falling asleep.

"I love you Sam," I whispered before kissing his forehead and falling asleep.

The next morning

Sam's POV

I woke up feeling like crap. This was pretty common nowadays and I hadn't quite figured out why. I turn over to see Colby fast asleep next to me, which makes me smile. I look over him at the clock and see it's about 8 am so I silently slip out of bed. I walk over to his closet and start to pull out some of my clothes that I've left in here something falls quietly to the ground. It was a piece of paper. I picked it up and was about to put it away, but I saw a date on it from a few days ago. I opened it a little curious to see what Colby had written only a few days ago. As I was reading through the paper I stopped on once sentence that read 'It's become really hard for me to keep my relationship with Sam a secret, all of the little things freak him out when we are near anyone even if they can't see us. I don't know how much long I can take this it just hurts so much it's like he's embarrassed by our relationship.' He must have continued to rant about me but I couldn't bring myself to read it. This is what had been bugging me, he's been acting so distant. He seems so hollow whenever we're around others, and now I know why. He can't stand the relationship, he can't stand me. Tears well up in my eyes and I drop the paper and quickly walk out of his room and into mine. I lock the door and lean up against it, as the tears silently fall from my face. I should have known this would happen, everyone rejects me at one point, it was only a matter of time before Colby did too. I don't know how long I was sitting up against the door, but it felt like ages and I could feel the pain deep in my chest. I looked around my room, and my eyes found the tiny black box under my bed. I got up and crawled over to it because it was my only escape.

Colby's POV

I wake up feeling cold as I open my eyes. Sam was no longer next to me in my bed but something felt off. It was quite in the house, too quite. I sat up and looked around the room for a note or any sign of Sam at all. As I scanned the room my eyes landed on a piece of paper on the floor. When I picked it up I had to keep myself from crying because I knew what this was and I had a feeling Sam had read it. I walked out of my room and looked around the house for any sign of Sam, then I heard it, a light sob. It was coming from Sam's room. I tip toed to his door and tried to turn the handle, it was locked. It sounded like Sam was right up against the door. I was about to knock but then he went quiet. I listened for a minute and I heard him move, almost like he was crawling away from the door to his bed. Why would he want to crawl over there? he has nothing except his.... Oh no.

"Sam?!" I ask frantically knocking on his door. He doesn't respond.

"Shit shit shit... Sam come on open the door please!" still no response. I run back to m room and find a bobby pin, pick the lock and throw his door open. Sam is leaning against his bed and pressing his knife to his wrist as tears fall from his face. I rush over to him and rip the knife out of his hand

"Sam what the fuck are you doing?" I grab a towel from on the floor and press it to Sam's wrist. he didn't cut too deep but it was still bleeding bad.

"Why the hell would you care? You were going to get rid of me anyway like everyone else does, so why do you care about what happens to me?" he was still crying when he said that and he wouldn't look at me. His words stung but he didn't know, he didn't even finish reading the page.

"Baby," I whisper cupping his face with my free hand. "I was never going to get rid of you. I love you more than you know and if you had finished reading the page I had said that, even though it's hard to keep my love for you a secret from the rest of the world I do it anyway and will do anything for you because You are the only thing that matters to me in this world. Please always remember that and don't do this again," I motion to his wrist. "I hate seeing you in pain." Sam sits there silent just staring at me, and at first I thought he was going to try to walk out, but instead he latched his free hand to the back of my head and kissed me. I instantly kissed him back as I pulled him into my lap, trying to make him stay apart of me forever. After a few minutes he pulled back just far enough to look at me.

"You really mean all of that?"

"Of course I do. You are and always will be my everything."

"Good," he paused for a minute. "We should tell them," I looked at him stunned.


"We should tell them, Corey, Amanda, Elton, Devyn and Arron. They at least should know, and it will help me take baby steps," he smiled at me. He wanted to tell our friends, about us.

"Are you sure?" I asked trying to hold in my excitement.

"Yes I'm sure," he laughed at me and laced our hands together.

"Thank you."

I know this chapter was really painful, it hurt to write it but I hope you guys liked the ending. And thanks to all of you who give your support and leave feed back. and thank you all for reading. Peace

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