Chapter 5

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A/N: Before I start the story I would like to apologize for the late update I haven't had much access to Wattpad but it's out now so I hope you guys like it and if you guys have any ideas on where you think the story should go please let me know. Love ya'll <3

Colby's POV                                                                                                                          

I woke up feeling cold, with sun peaking through the blinds. I stretched and rolled over to see if Sam was awake yet, but he wasn't in bed. I sat up and looked around, his clothes were gone there was no sound coming from the rest of the house. I climbed out of bed, slipped into clean boxers and walked to the kitchen. There, on the fridge was a post it note that read " Kat called went to meet her for lunch, be back at 1:30, Love you- Sammy" That's right, Sam still has a girlfriend, and if I was being honest, I didn't like her very much. She didn't seem to like any of us either. I sighed and sat on the couch and turned on the TV to catch up on Riverdale since everyone was talking about it. I was halfway through one of episodes when I got a text

S-Sam C-Colby

S: Dude can you come meet me at the Grove?

C: Why? What's up?

S: It's Kat. She was really pissed at me and told me that I had been lying to her or something then took off

C: I wonder what that was about? I'll be there in a few.

S: Thx Colebear I'll see you soon

 I finished getting dressed and grabbed my keys. Once I got to the Grove, I saw Sam sitting on a bench, but he didn't look too good.

"Sam?" I asked as I got out of the car. "What's wrong? Did something else happen?" He looked up at me and I could instantly tell he had been crying. Something really bad must have happened for him to have been crying, because Sam rarely ever cries.

"Colby," he whimpered as he got up and wrapped his arms around me.

Sam's POV

"Colby," I whimpered as I practically ran into his arms, trying not to burst into tears again. He looked really concerned when he had first got here, but I couldn't tell him what happened, not here.

"Can we go home?" I said, my voice cracking in the process.

"Sure thing, get in the car." He kept his hand around my waist as we walked to the car. He helped me into my seat then climbed into the drivers side and started the engine. Once we were out of the Grove I couldn't hold it anymore and I burst into tears.

"Sam," Colby said with one hand on my leg. I flinched at the touch then relaxed remembering it was just Colby. He tried to pull his hand away because he saw me flinch, but I stopped him.

"No it's fine," I sniffed.

"What happened?" he asked his big blue eyes filling with concern. This made me relax a little.

"Can we talk about this at home?" I asked sheepishly, still not completely ready to tell him what had happened.

"Sure anytime your ready, I'm here for you," he said smiling. I smiled back. I knew he was and he always would be. I took a deep breath and tried to wrap my head around what had happened before the incident. I had gone to Tender Greens to meet Kat since she had been there with a few friends. we sat down and started talking

"Look," I had said once I had built up enough courage to say what was on my mind. "Kat there is something I need to talk to you about,"

"Um.... ok what's up?"

"Well it's uh kind of been brought to my attention that I may not be interested in girls," I stuttered as I stared at the table. I looked up and saw Kat narrow her eyes.

"What so you're all of a sudden gay now? Is that what you're telling me?"

"Yea I-it is," I said rubbing the back of my neck.

 "Well," she scoffed. "I'll just have to fix that."

"Sam," Colby shook me lightly. I must have fallen asleep. "We're back home." I nodded and climbed out of the car. we walked up to our apartment and I sprawled across the long part of the couch. After a few minutes Colby came and sat next to me.

"You ready to talk about it?" he asked softly.

"Yeah I guess," I sighed. I sat up a little. I told him about my conversation with Kat and how she reacted to me coming out to her. He didn't interrupt me once not until I mentioned my coming out to Kat

"You told her you're gay?" he looked a little shocked and impressed.

"Yea I thought it was the right thing to do," I said looking at my shoes.

"What happened after?"

I closed my eyes remembering every moment after as clear as day. I shuddered at the thought of what had happened but I took a deep breath, Colby needed to know what happened.

"Sam?" he asked nervously. "What did she do to you?"

"She pulled me out the back door of Tender Greens and down one of the alleyways," as I was starting to tell Colby I saw him tense up, he knew what was coming. "She had brought her bag with her and she threw me up against one of the fences. She pulled out a set of cuffs and locked me to the fences. She guessed I went gay for you and told me if I even squeaked for help she would go after you." I paused for a minute and took a breath. It was hard to relive what she had done to me. She had become a completely different person in that alley. I didn't know what to do. " She had so many things with her, more then I can count. she did things that I didn't even know were possible, an... and I couldn't do anything about it because I couldn't risk losing you," My voice cracked on the last few words. It had been one of the scariest days of my life and I didn't know if I was going to be able to forget it.

"Oh Sammy," Colby said throwing his arms around me and pulling me into his lap. "I'm soo sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that." he whispered into my ear as he rubbed circles into my back. I nestled into him, being wrapped in his arms made me feel happy, made me feel safe. I pulled back to look up into his beautiful blue eyes and he bent his head down to close the space between our lips. I locked my hands behind his neck as he tangled his fingers in my hair. I felt his teeth score my bottem lip asking for a gap. I smiled against his lips and gave him what he wanted. we started to shift so that my legs were wrapped around his waist as our tounges dances together. Colby put me on my back and started to grind into me slowly, make sure it was ok. I smiled again, giving him the answer he needed and he went a little faster. things escalated very qickly after that. Soon me and Colby both had our boxers off and he was pumping me hard I was moaning his name loud, which made him go faster, and soon after he shoves his hardens deep into my ass. I let out a deep moan and I hear him laugh. He goes faster as I ask and we go at it for about half an hour before we het tired he cleans up our mess and we spend the rest of the night cuddling on the couch watching the rest of Riverdale. It was the perfect way to end a horrible day.

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