Chapter 33

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Colby's POV

I woke up maybe three hours later with Sam on top of me and I smiled softly rubbing his back. Then I also realized we were back in our boxers and shorts which made me a little nervous but I heard Sam giggle.

"Hey pretty boy. You seem to have a lot of energy"

"I've been up for awhile, and I'm surprised that I didn't wait you up when I got your clothes back on" I smiled and shook my head as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"You know how heavy of a sleeper I am"

"That's fair" He said snuggling close to me and I pulled the blanket over us tightly.

"Hey guys" I heard a soft voice say and I looked over to see Martin walking down the stairs.

"Hey Martin. How's Liz?"

"She's good, but she's also asleep right now so I'm gonna go out and get her something to surprise her"

"Here let one of us go with you" Sam said as he instantly sat up and I nodded in agreement.

"Okay why are you two acting like Elizabeth has been? All of you are so afraid of me going anywhere alone." Sam and I looked at each other before sighing and looking back at Martin.

"So....I highly doubt she wants us to tell you this....but Elizabeth's ex boyfriend Matt stopped by her hospital room before all of us got there and he basically threatened you." He stood there frozen for a second before blinking.


"This is kinda a common in our family..." Sam said with a soft laugh. "Just...let one of us come with you. Just in case. It would make E feel better." I shivered a little and Sam looked at me with soft eyes but Martin understood. He knew what the girls called her.

"Alright, Colby why don't you come with me, or honestly both of you can come if you want." Sam smiled as he looked at me and we nodded.

"Both of us will come with you." Sam said as he slowly climbed off of me and pulled me up with a smile. He nodded and smiled at us as he grabbed his keys and tossed us our jackets, which Sam instantly switched. I laughed lightly and shook my head.

"God you love wearing my jackets don't you?" He nodded and quickly threw it on and snugged into it making me laugh lightly as we followed Martin to the car and he drove to the store. Sam and I both had our pocket knifes with us and we got out of the car I wrapped my arm around Sam. When we walked inside we followed Martin who got candy and a stuffed bear and a new fluffy blanket. I ended up grabbing a surprise for Sam before we left, but of course, knowing our luck we couldn't go without any conflict. As we walked toward the car Matt was there, leaning against the car with a smirk and a cigarette in his mouth.

"Well look who it is. She's gotten smarter I'll give her that."

"Back off Matt. I don't want to deal with your shit right now." I hissed as I shoved him off the car and Martin put everything in the trunk.

"Ooo touchy touchy. It's not my fault your daughters stupid and got herself kidnapped, making her the easiest prey in the world." I punched him hard in the face and he stumbled back and held him jaw.

"Oh yea I wouldn't bring up that incident to Colby, especially like that." Sam said as he walked toward us.

"Don't push my buttons Matt. We don't want you getting more scars to bring home to that slut you call a girlfriend. Doesn't she already hate your lazy ass?" Matt growled at me and tried to lung at me but Martin grabbed him from behind.

"Come on now. You really think three against one is a great way to start a fight?" Matt glared and both of us and hissed.

"Just go home. None of us need this bullshit right now." I said as I spun my knife, occasionally tossing it in the air and catching it again. Matt growled and glared at us for a few minutes before he shrugged Martin off and walked away.

"You know this isn't over Brock."

"Oh I know. Doesn't mean you'll be any more ready to fight us." When he was gone Martin sighed. "And that's why both of us came with you."

"Yea that makes sense. Is he always that crazy?"

"Yea. He's been like that for awhile. It's my Elizabeth left him."

"Good. She doesn't deserve his bullshit." We nodded and got in the car, and just as we did Liz was calling me.

"Hey babygirl. What is it? Are you okay?"

"Where's Martin?! Is he okay?"

"Hey hey hey, calm down he's right here with us. He's safe. Take a few deep breaths we're heading home now."

"All three of you went out together I'm hoping."

"Yes lizzie. Neither of us were going to let him leave by himself. We'll be home in a few minutes. Is everything else okay"

"Yea. Now they are. I just....I thought he....I thought you were...."

"I know sweetie I know." I said softly as Martin drove us home. "But we're all still breathing and we're all safe. He can't touch us."

"He found you didn't he?" I sighed softly.

"Yea, like we all expected but nothing happened, though I got a good punch in. None of us even have bruises or scratches. Nothing will happen I promise." I heard her sigh in relief and I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Thank god....did you guys just get home?" I glanced up and smiled when I saw her in the window.

"Yea we did. I can see you now." I said as he parked the car and I climbed out and waved. She smiled and waved back. "I'll see you in a few seconds"

"Okay, bye dad. I love you."

"Love you too princess." We hung up and I helped Martin bring some of the stuff inside and all three of us walked up the stairs to see her. We opened the door and she sat up and looked at us with bright eyes.

"Hi you guys." She said and we smiled and walked over to her. Martin gave her her gifts and she smiled and hugged him tightly. Then suddenly Sam was gone and the room seemed oddly dark. I was standing behind Martin as he hugged her and she smirked her eyes turning blood red and her nails turned to claws. "You know you could never do it." Then she grew fangs and ripped part of martins neck out.

"No!" I tried to move but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything but watch in horror. He won, he got to her he won

Dad! Dad!

Colby, Hey Colby come on

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