Chapter 14

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Colby's POV

The entire drive up to Kansas Sam was either in my lap or had his head resting on my lap as I gently ran my hand along his back. Devyn and Corey were quietly whispering about something to do with a nursery which made me smile. I was honestly so happy that our roommates were excited about the baby, and I was glad sam wanted it as much as I did. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a soft whimper, and I looked down to find that Sam was asleep, but fear was written all over his face. He was having another nightmare. I frowned and gently placed my hand on his stomach and traced a circle around it over and over again while whispering.

"It's okay, your okay I won't let anything happen to you." There were a few more whimpers and a bit of struggling before he turned toward me and snuggled close to me as he started to relax. I smiled and gently kissed his forehead and he sighed, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Their so beautiful," he mumbled and I couldn't help but chuckle as I lightly kissed the side of his head whispering

"Not as beautiful as you." He smiled and blushed, curling into my chest more as he sighed now sleeping peacefully. I heard devyn awwww and giggle as she looked at us. I looked back at her and smiled as I gently ran my fingers through Sams hair.

"You two are so adorable" she cooed as I laughed softly and looked back at sam when I felt him shift and I watched him slowly open his eyes as he smiled.

"Hey Colby,"

"Hey beautiful" I said as I brushed his hair out of his face. "Sleep well?" He nodded and sat up so he could climb into my lap as he smiled.

"How far are we?"

"Maybe an hour." Elton said glancing at us through the rearview and Sam nodded and started to play with his fingers. He was getting a little nervous and honestly I didn't blame him.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, your family is are the nicest people ever. Their not gonna be upset about either of us" I watched Sam smile softly as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I know but it still makes me nervous. You know how I am, over analyzing everything."

"Yea I do, but we'll all be right there by your side. Nothing will happen to you Sammy I promise." He nodded and I kissed the top of his head softly.

Once we got to the house I could see Sams nerves shoot through the roof as we climbed out of the van. I gently rubbed his back as I looked at him with soft eyes, trying to get him to calm down a little

"I'll be right here next to you the entire time. It'll be fine." I whispered softly and he took a deep breath before nodding. I laced my fingers with his and the others smiled pulling our bags out of the car and placing them on the doorstep of the house before walking back to the car.

"God I hate how nervous I am about this." Sam mumbled as he rested his head on my shoulder. I gently pet his head slowly and sighed.

"I know but it's gonna be okay. Your family won't hurt you. And I'm sure your mom and Allison will be over the moon about the little angel your carrying." He laughed softly and sighed looking up at me with soft eyes. I smiled and leaned down, kissing him softly just as the door opened.

"See mom I TOLD you it wasn't fake. This is why you need to watch their videos more." I heard Allison say, but she was clearly excited that she was right. Sam laughed and pulled away from me with a sigh before looking at his mom and sister who were standing in the door smiling.

"Hey mom, hey Allison" he said as he smiled lingering in my arms for just a second longer before he pulled away and hugged them.

"Hey sweetie" his mom said as she wrapped him in a hug, and I could see him putting the smallest distance between his belly and her. It made me smile as I held back a laugh, but I couldn't help it when I saw ally jump off of the doorstep and ran to me wrapping her arms around me as she hugged me tight.

"It's so good to see you Colby"

"It's good to see you too ally" I said laughing as I held her tightly. I saw Sam looking at us and he was laughing, and I could see his tint if jealously leaving his eyes. I smiled and winked at him which made him blush and look at the ground. Ally pulled away and looked at sam giggling before stepping away from me and ruffling his hair before hugging him.

"Didn't mean to make you jealous brother" she said and he laughed blushing harder.

"It was such an instinctive reaction. He gets hit on a lot by other girls." She laughed and looked over at me while I walked up to them and Sam wrapped his arms around me with a smile and I gently ran my fingers through his hair.

"You two are the cutest thing" his mom cooed and I could see sam relax greatly as he blushed, burying his face into the crook of my neck as he giggled. "Come on let's get you boys inside" her and ally picked up the bags and I turned to look at our friends but I realized the SUV was gone, and my phone buzzed.

'We will be at two need a vacation from us lol. Have fun you guys. -Devyn and friends'

I shook my head and laughed, showing the text to Sam who shook his head and laced his hand with mine as we walked inside. As we walked in Ben came raising down the stairs as he smiled jumping in front of us as we laughed before he hugged us.

"What's up Ben?" I asked when he looked back at us.

"Nothing much, just trying to get through school." I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Yea I get what that's like."

You finally tell mom?" He asked looking between us and Sam smiled and nodded

"Yea we told mom. Anything special that I should know about?"

"Unfortunately no, I'm not as lucky as you two."  I laughed and shook my head and sam looked at me with bright eyes and I watched his hand move slightly toward his stomach. I smiled and kissed his forehead and Ben looked between the two of us with a slight smirk.

"Is there something I should know about?" Sam giggled but shook his head.

"Nope not that I can think of. Come on let's go hang out with everyone else." We nodded in agreement and walked to the living room to sit with the rest of the family. Sam still seemed slightly nervous, and I realized his dad wasn't home. He was scared of telling his dad.

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