Chapter 8

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Colby POV

Sam and I have been planing to tell our fans for a few weeks now. I mean they have been really suspicious with all the the hickeys and marks that we have but they don't know for sure. They have a right to know though they are the biggest support we could ever have and so it's kind of important that they know. I was laying on the bed when Sam came knocking on the door. I smiled at him when he walked in and he sat next to me.
"What if we did an exploration video tonight? It would be a cool way to tell our fans anyway"
"Really? Your up for that?" I looked at him hopefully with the biggest smile on my face and my eyes all big with excitement. He laughed lightly and ran his fingers through my hair.
"Yea I am. It would be fun and our fans need to know anyway right?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around him tightly.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" He laughed at me again and held me tight
"Your welcome beautiful" Then he kissed the top of my head and I sighed curling up close to him. After a few minutes he pulled away a little and lifted my chin with a soft smile and kissed me lightly. I kissed him back with a grin and wrapped my arms around his neck clinging to him. He pressed me against the headboard and purred playfully.
"Maybe I should give you another mark to explain to the fans" I bit my lip and nodded slowly. He smirked and kissed my neck softly at first and I let out a soft moan. Then he started to suck and bite on my neck and I moaned louder with a smile as I tangled my fingers in his hair. He laughed lightly against my skin and continued to suck my neck creating a design out of it as he ran his hands down my chest slowly with a smirk. I moaned loudly as I smirked curious what he was doing as I felt him working on a design on my neck. After a few minutes he slowly ran his tongue over it and it read 'Sam's baby' and I blushed slightly.
"Oh my god they are going to freak out you know that right?"
"That's why I did it. Oh and your wearing this tonight." He tossed me a low cut black tee shirt that completely exposed my hickeys and I whined a little bit sighed as I started getting ready for the video tonight. Sam was already ready and he kissed the back of my neck before walking out.

*Three hours later*

"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby" I said holding a scarf over my neck not wanting it to be exposed.
"Today we are going to explore an old abandoned castle,but I think we have something to tell you first" He smirked devilishly as he looked at me and lightly tugged at my scarf. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.
"Your that proud of it aren't you?" He nodded and tugged at my scarf again.
"Why do we have to do it this way?"
"Because I like this way" he smirked as he pulled the scarf off of my neck exposing the massive hickeys he left and I sighed putting my face in my hands.
"So if you can't tell from the massive hickeys on his neck, Colby is my boyfriend now" He said happily running his fingers through my hair. I looked up at him and smiled lightly as I kissed his nose.
"That's right I'm your special baby" I purred softly before giving him a quick kiss. He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair before turning back to the camera.
"Anyway I think it's time we go look at this castle." He grabbed my hand and we started to walk while I held the camera. We walked through a dark forest and did some background on the place.
"So apparently the princess in this castle died here when she fell through a hole in the ground like 20 years ago and at like three am she comes out and wanders around the palace looking for a host so she can live out the rest of her life" I said as I looked over at Sam with a slight smirk.
"Well damn we have to avoid every shadow possible then" He shook his head slightly with a sigh and we soon reached the castle which was absolutely beautiful. I looked up at it with bright eyes.
"Wow" I breathed.
"Yea" Sam said taking my hand with a soft smile as we walked through the doors. Inside was not as pleasing as the outside, there was dust and cobwebs everywhere. It looked as if it had been untouched for many years as we looked around and pulled out masks on. I looked over at Sam and smiled, because even in this dim light his eyes were a sharp bright blue. While still holding my hand, Sam started to lean me toward the stairs.
"Supposably once she had died the entire family just vanished. All of their stuff was left here untouched as if the had disappeared out of thin air. Some think that the princess had something to do with it but others assume they couldn't live in a house where their own daughter had died due to lack of supervision" Sam said to the camera as we started to walk up the stairs. The second floor had a red carpet and black walls and most of the rooms looked like those that would belong to a young girl.
"I think we found the princesses wing" I mumbled as I looked around nervously. Something didn't feel right, it was cold and random chills kept shooting through my spine. We had walked up to a room that must have belonged to the girl. It had a queen sized bed with pink and white sheets along with light pink walls that were now covered with a thick layer of dust. The floor was scattered with dolls and stuffed animals and dresses, almost as if the last person in here had been searching for something urgently. The last thing I had noticed was a stereo resting on the nightstand. As I looked at it another icy shiver shot down my spine and my vision got a little blurry. I blinked slowly then froze, I heard music. I looked over at Sam who was still admiring the room but he didn't seem phased by the fact that music was playing. I looked back at the radio and saw that it was on and that was where the music was coming from as my eyes widened. I reached out to try and place my hand on Sams shoulder but my hand was pressed against a cold wall that I could not see. I watched as Sam turned and looked at me as his eyes widened.
"Colby?" He called out.
"Sam I'm right here" I started to pound on the wall as I looked at him. He turned and looked at me with a worried expression and he looked around like he couldn't see me.
"Colby babe where are you?" He kicked the camera which was at my feet and picked it up. I started to cry and I banged on the class again and then everything went dark.

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