Chapter 30

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Colby's POV

I heard Sam come through the door when she was dragging me back to her room. I had been putting up a fight but she had gotten a decent cut on my leg. Now I had my hands tied to the bed and I could see Harley hiding in the shadows watching us. Shea smirked and loaded her gun as she kissed along my neck and I whined loudly. Sams head appeared in the doorway then and Shea shot just over his head when he ducked.

"Drop the gun" she hissed holding a knife to my throat. "Now" I looked at him in fear as he lowered his gun and his voice was pleading and full of fear as he asked her not to hurt me. "Why should I?"

"Because" he started with a smirk appearing on his face. "You won't be able to. Now!" He yelled and spun around nailing Harley right between the eyes and Elton popped around the corner and shot Sheas wrist. I smiled as she dropped her knife and I caught is as she fell off the bed, using it to cut myself loose. I sighed and Elton walked over to me, keeping his gun trained on Shea, Sam coming in behind him.

"Sammy." My voice was horse as I reached my hands out to him. "You found me" he wrapped his arms around me and rested his forehead against mine as he sighed.

"Of course baby. I would never ever leave you behind. I can't live without you." I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him as I pulled him closer to me.

"Good. I can't live without you either. How's Elizabeth? Is she okay?"

"She's fine. She's more worried about you. She wouldn't even let me take care of her until you come home." I smiled and kissed him sweetly as I pulled him in my lap and I heard Elton load his gun.

"Oh Shea, do you think you can stop us? Do you really think you can ruin their relationship" Sam smiled at Elton's words and he started to gently kiss along my jawbone, and it felt like he was cleansing me.

"God I've missed you so much" I whispered and he smiled before pulling away a little and looking at me with sharp blue eyes.

"I've missed you more. Trust me. Now let's get you home." He climbed off of my lap and picked me up, holding me close to him. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder as I clung to him tightly. He carried me to the car and didn't let go when he climbed into the back of his car. I ended up slipping in and out of sleep as I had my head resting against his chest. When we got home he sighed, and I opened my eyes seeing Brennen's truck. Brennen and Martin were both climbing out of the truck and I smiled. Sam climbed out of the car and Brennen walked over to us. Sam gently placed me on the ground and I hugged Brennen tightly.

"God damn dude. From what Martin said I actually thought you gave yourself over to them." I took deep breaths and shook my head.

"I had to get her out, and she became my way out." Brennen nodded and the front door opened. I glanced over to see Martin run over to the door and scoop Eliza in his arms and hold her as close as possible and they both burst into tears.

"God this is all my fault" I heard him mumble. "You could have died. I thought I wouldn't see you again."

"It's not. You couldn't control her babe. You didn't even see her." Her fingers were tangled in his hair and she was holding him tightly.

Elizabeth's POV

I was so happy to be in his arms again. I thought I wasn't ever going to see him again, and all of those things I did with that awful girl....I-I fucked her, and ate her out. I dressed up for her and became her little slave. I felt disgusting and violated, I knew Martin shouldn't be with a girl like me and I was useless to him.

"Eliza? Hey what is it?" I heard him ask and I suddenly realized that I was now looking into his beautiful green eyes. I burst into a new round of tears and I tried to pull away from him but he wouldn't let me go.

"You shouldn't be with me, you won't want someone like me. I'm no good for you." I sobbed and he only held me tighter

"Hey....hey hey hey Elizabeth listen to me!" He said sternly and I looked at him though I was still sobbing quietly. "Whatever she made you do, whatever you went through doesn't define who you are, doesn't make you a whore or a terrible person. It doesn't make me love you any less, instead it makes me love you more. It shows me how strong and brave you are, it shows me that you can truly get through anything. Don't let whatever they forced on you tear apart what we have worked so hard to build." I looked at him with big eyes and I felt a roaring emotions of love and pride and happiness all at once. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him sweetly as I sighed. He smiled and gently wrapped his arms around my waist as he melted into my kiss. When he pulled away he rested his forehead on mine. Was this how my parents were when they were younger and struggling through this shit? Was Martin the Sam to my Colby? Maybe he was my perfect guardian. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through my side and I gasped and groaned as I fell to my knees as I held my side.

"Eliza?" Sam asked in fear and he ran over to me and Martin knelt in front of me

"Babe? Hey what is it? Let me see" as I started to reach to reveal what was going on dad placed his hand over mine.

"You'll bleed out if you do that. She needs to get to the hospital now. My makeshift stitches aren't holding anymore. Harley did a shitting job of "fixing her" so we need to go now.

"Okay. Okay come here baby" Martin said softly as he picked me up and I continued to groan in pain. I started seeing black spots in my vision and sounds started to blend together into a soft buzz, I remember getting in the car and I remember Martin looking at me with concern. He was saying something, calling my name but slowly slowly I slipped into calm black waters.

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