Chapter 13

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Sams POV

I froze when he said those words, as did everyone else in the room, except for Colby.

"W-what" I stuttered as I looked at him wide eyed and put my hand over my stomach protectively.

"Shea told me to my face this morning if I didn't break up with you and walk out on the relationship, she would take both of you away from me." He said and he wouldn't even look at me. "And the worst part is, I don't know if she meant before or after you give birth." I watched as tears slid down his face. I felt scared, and in danger and paranoid, but I pushed all of that aside and crawled over to Colby.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay" I spoke softly as I gently lifted his chin so he had to look at me, and I wiped away some of his tears. "This isn't your fault, it's not like you asked her to kill me or the baby. She's choosing to threaten us."

"Because of me"

"That doesn't make it your fault." Then an idea struck me. "What if we went to Kansas until a few months after the baby was born? Like all of us? My mom moved into this massive house that has spare rooms, and I'm sure both family's would be excited to hear that their gonna be grandparents." That got Colby's attention. He looked at me wide eyed and a smile cracked across his tear stained face.

"You really want to? Go back to Kansas for a little while just until all of this blows over?" I nodded and he smiled, seeming to relax a great deal. I kissed his forehead softly and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Besides, the baby should be born where his/her fathers were born right?" I asked with a grin and Colby laughed nodded. Everyone seemed really excited and they had all run to pack for the trip. I texted my mom while Colby decided to carry me upstairs and she was super excited to see everyone. He set me down on the bed and we started packing, though Colby did most of it for me because he said "I needed rest" to which I grumbled and rolled my eyes. So instead of doing it myself I sat there and told him what he needed to pack and then what I wanted him to pack for me. Devyn walked by our room and giggled softly as I gave her an annoyed look that said. 'He's babying me, help.'

"You know he has every right to baby you." She said and Colby beamed at me

"Ha. If Devyn thinks I have a right to baby you then I defiantly do" I sighed and grumbled softly, though I did secretly like that he was taking care of me like this. I would never admit it out loud, but I did like it. Devyn giggled again and ruffled my hair.

"Enjoy it while it lasts, when you have that little one you'll be spending more time worrying about it instead of being able to spend a lot of time worrying about each other. But that's why we're here, to give you guys time to be alone without a screaming child."

"Yea exactly," Amanda said as she walked into our room. "But it'll take lots of mothering from us to even get them to leave the child."

"Oh I know. But I have nine months to prepare" I grinned and shook my head.

"How did we end up with such amazing friends?" I asked Colby.

"Pure luck if you ask me." He responded, and we hugged Devyn and Amanda before they went back to help the boys load the car so that everything would actually fit. Colby walked over to me and kissed me softly, running his fingers through my hair.

"I still can't believe we're gonna be parents" he said softly as he rested his hand on my stomach and I smiled.

"I know, but this child is going to be extremely happy and spoiled and loved. And their going to grow up to be amazing because they have you to look up to" I whispered as I put my hand over his and he blushed.

"This child will get all of their amazing skills and kindness from you. I don't have much to offer except love."

"I don't believe that. I believe you can teach our child so much. They would learn how to be gently, and strong, and loving, and patient, and funny, and smart, and learn how to climb difficult things, from you." I kissed his forehead and he grinned blushing harder.

"You really believe all of that?"

"Of course I do Colby. I'm not one to lie to people." He sighed and gently wrapped his arms around me and picked me up.

"What would I do without you?"

"Not have to worry about how well of a parent your gonna be. Then crash and burn" I teased and he shook his head laughing. He handed me the bags to carry while he carried me downstairs to the car. He set me down in front of the car and I kissed him softly before I turned and helped Devyn and Amanda organize the trunk. They each tried to get me to stop, so they could do it for me, but I had already organized it in a way they hadn't thought of and it fit perfectly.

"I don't have a belly yet. So I'm doing what I can while I still can" I said with a smile and they laughed shaking their head before we all crawled into the SUV. Colby was practically holding me on his lap but I didn't mind. I liked being able to curl into his chest while he held me in his warm embrace. It helped take my mind off of the racing nerves of what our parents, well my parents, would think. We had agreed not to even see Colby's family since none of them had ever actually supported him. Elton turned from the drivers seat and smiled at the two of us before looking around.

"Who's ready for a trip to Kansas?" He asked and we all cheered. None of us had any idea what exciting adventures were to come in the next year we were spending in Kansas.

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