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josh was sitting on his bed somewhat stressfully scrolling on any social media that he could find. his mind was fogged with questions about the new student that was staying with his family. once his homework was finished the night prior, he could barely shut shut his eyes for a second without a new question popping up in his brain about the mystery boy.

he looked over at the bed next to him, tonight there will be a french boy sleeping across from me. although difficult to comprehend, he let a smile tug at his lips.  realizing that he's beyond excited to hear about the french boy.

a couple of hours passed with pure nervousness rushing through joshs mind. it seemed as if every thirty seconds he would peek out of his cracked window in hopes to see a car stop by his driveway.

maybe this time?

he peeked out the window seeing the usual empty gravel street. he sighed, no sign of the boy.

maybe this time?


this ti- FUCK

he suddenly heard a shy knock sound through the house and up to josh's senses. he heard his mom gasp and do that excited mom - yell thing. josh felt his heart sink to his gut however his brain jumped from sheer excitement, he's here!

josh's feet then traveled a mile a minute as he rushed down the stairs and into the foyer, searching for any source of an unknown boy.

and then he saw him.

his hair was fluffy and a tad messy, although nobody minded, especially not josh. josh saw that this boy had the best smile in the entire universe, with beautiful dimples to match.

he had slight dark circles hanging from his eyes, josh guessed that was from the long flight.

his cheeks puffed slightly as his giggle sounded through the house. something josh wanted to trap in a recorder and listen to for hours. and his eyes crinkled with bliss and excitement while josh watched as he was excitedly talking to his overjoyed mom.

"bonjour!" the boy spoke happily, his voice.

it was a voice that josh could listen to for years. his thickened french accent and the high tint that hid behind his vocal chords was truly something that made josh's heart swell.

this was weird for josh.

why did he feel so attracted to this boy?

he thought he liked girls but oh man what a sight.

"-this is josh. you'll be staying in his room while you're here." josh blinked, snapping out of his trance clumsily.

"josh! bonjour!"

the boy stomped towards him smiling ear to ear as he then promptly stuck out his hand for a handshake. he acted like a pure four year old. you cloud practically see the excitement that shines through his skin. it was the cutest thing josh had ever seen.

bonjour  • joshler •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora