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staying up until 3am was something the two
boys had become accustomed to over the months tyler came to visit. however, tonight josh wanted to stay up a little later, as in all night. he dropped the idea to tyler at around midnight, the boy looking up from his phone and giving a doubtful face.

"do you mean, staying awake all night?"

"yeah it's easy! just - drink a lot of caffeine and keep eachother awake." josh paused, watching as the boys face was now only less amused, "and we could see the sunrise"

tyler gasped happily, "done"

and so, the night began.




"do you have any candy?"

josh laughed, "feeling tired already?"

"no just - craving sugar"

seconds later the duo were climbing downstairs and searching through cabinets to find anything that contained excessive amounts of sugar. tyler looked through one cabinet in particular, only to find chocolate chip brownie mix on the very top shelf. a gasp escaped his lips as he whisper screamed his friends name.

"did you find something?"

the small brunette pointed to the box that stood just above his finger tips. he stood on his tippy toes trying to reach the box, sighing in frustration as the other came over to grab the mix easily.

"we're so making these"


"do not eat them yet joshua! they are too hot"

"you're too hot"

tyler felt a blush creep on the tips of his cheeks, trying his best to keep his confident aura, "i know."

several minutes passed as josh impatiently waited for the brownies to cool off, poking them every five seconds to see if the temperature decreased. tyler soon became frustrated with the boy, and slapped his hands away whenever he tried to touch the treat again.


"stop touching them!"

"stop hitting my hands!"

the accented boy scoffed, walking away from josh from frustration. and of course, once he turned around, josh's finger was poking the brownies once again.


"no look they're done!"

tyler sighed throwing the boy a knowing look as josh payed no attention to his face whatsoever.

"babe get me a knife or somethin"

bonjour  • joshler •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora