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"yes, tyler?"

"i cannot sleep"

josh's mouth cracked a loving smile while the quiet darkness surrounded both boys intently. the somewhat scared brunette needed a friend at three in the morning since he's never really been on his own before, plus he had some minor jet lag from the ride over.

so he turned to josh.

"why not?" josh asked calmly, hoping that talking about things would give tyler a stronger desire to rest.

"i do not know. i guess i have never been to america before and - it seems that paris is so different from here" tyler spoke from the opposite side of the room, wanting just to be closer to josh.

"can i - um - move to you?" the french boy questioned shyly, leaving josh's heart to swell mysteriously.

"of course"

it wasn't long before the small brunette was sat in front of josh, both boys criss-crossed and facing eachother contently. josh watched as tyler began talking about a fun time he had experienced in paris one day.

" - and then i just started running, you know? just out of nowhere! i do not know why i did this but it seemed as if my friends described this tag game to me as running around and trying not to get caught. "

josh laughed, "did you not know how to play tag? that's like the simplest game in the world"

"not when you're a dumb homosexual french boy like i am, joshua" tyler joked while adding a slight giggle towards the end of his words.

the taller boy laughed along with tylers words, soon finding it hard to stop. he didn't know if it was the late time of night or how funny tyler sounded when he spoke those words, he just suddenly couldn't stop laughing.

soon, however, tyler chimed in (don't) adding more laughter to each of the boys brains. at this point they had no idea why they were laughing, they just kept trying to inhale oxygen as best as they could without being too loud.

suddenly, tyler bursted out laughing, the kind where it's incredibly loud and you really didn't know it was going to be obnoxious. josh's hand flew towards tylers crooked smile, covering his sporadic inhales and laughter.

"shhh! tyler shh!"

josh barely choked out through laughter, hearing his new friends muffled inhales from behind his forceful palm.

"you're going to wake my mom u-!"


in an instant josh lowered his hand from tylers mouth, both looking towards the motherly silhouette that stood in the nearby doorway. the light of the hallway beaming through josh's room.

"s-sorry mom" josh said quietly as tylers laughing died down to a whisper.

"just - get to bed okay?"

both boys nodded apologetically while josh's mom closed the door quietly, leaving them in the dark once more.

"that was my fault i am sorry"

"no it's okay, i started it anyways"

they looked softly at eachother, enjoying the peace that soon overcame their senses. each boy noticing the slight pain that lingered in their abdomen from laughing so hard. josh then looked down towards his hand that fell from the previous scare of his mom walking in and paused his breathing.

it wasn't long before tyler looked down as well, noticing josh's change in attention. the curly haired boy stared at his hand that rested on tylers inner thigh lazily, and josh swore that french boy felt a change in his breathing.

josh opened his palm softly, his fingers caressing around the brunettes pudgy thigh. he had spaced out and let his mind take over, something that happens a lot to him when it becomes late.

he slowly retracted his hand and cleared his throat nervously,

"we should uh, get some sleep"

"okay, thank you for talking joshua" tyler said slowly as he hesitantly stepped off of josh's bed.

"yeah it's um - no problem," josh stammered.

he then waited until tyler was sat comfortably in his bed and spoke softly, "goodnight tyler, welcome to ohio"

"goodnight joshua, beaux rêves"


shoutout to all of you who took the time out of their day to message me/comment super nice things about my writing you have NO idea how much of a confidence booster it is for me. thank you all so very much (:

charlie is happy

bonjour  • joshler •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora