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flashback because the situation is somewhat confusing for some people so i gotchu😇


josh peeked over his shoulder to see tyler laying sound asleep in the bed across from him, his chest rising and falling calmly while serene breaths escaped his throat. although the brunette was calm, josh was the complete opposite. he felt like one thousand tons of pure anxiety was crashing into him without his consent, and it wouldn't stop.

debby💖: im here hurry up please im very tired

he looked over to see his phone buzzing, not realizing how close of a driving distance his girlfriend was. he quietly untucked himself out of bed, making sure not to wake up tyler, and grabbed his phone lightly. while stepping out of the room, a light creak was heard from the floorboards, causing the anxious boy to fearfully look towards tyler in hopes he wouldn't wake up. however, to josh's relief, the small boy just pulled his blanket closer towards his chest and sighed.

once outside, he was met with a very frustrated debby. considering they haven't talked face to face, except for facetiming every now and then, she missed seeing him in person.

"is this what you call a date? sketchily meeting up with someone at two am?" she asked while jingling her car keys absentmindedly.

"sorry i just - he would've been upset if-"

debby scoffed, "are you fucking serious?"

"wha-" josh's face fell confused as to why she was suddenly annoyed with him again, although he soon realized why by the raising of her eyebrows, "right, tyler - sorry"

"you know this tyler kid is really getting on my nerves"

"that's why i wanted you here," josh spoke, his voice somewhat lower than before, "since you mean so much to me, and it really hurts when tyler talks bad about you-"

"you guys talk shit on me?"

"no! no of course not! i could never do that"

debby blushed lightly, wanting to make a sudden object out of the boy and snaked her hands around his neck. the two smiled at eachother from different angles and josh then realized why he fell in so called "love" with the beautiful strawberry blonde in the first place.

their lips connected shortly, josh slightly unaware of the guilt that rose in his abdomen. the boy placed his hands on the sides of debby's waist, deepening the sudden kiss. however, she then rested her palm on the front of josh's chest, signaling for both of them to let go.

"why did you bring me over here?" she asked, her persona now even more frustrated.

josh sighed, "so, i really don't like it when tyler talks bad about you, right?" debby nodded, unaware of where this boy was going.

"well, what if we staged a breakup, right in front of him? you know, play with his emotions a bit"

josh's heart began to suffocate as he said those last few words, realizing suddenly what this sort of thing would turn in to. debby made a questionable face, yet a smile laced in her lips.

bonjour  • joshler •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora