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josh bursted through the door of his house, quickly throwing his keys on a nearby table not bothering to look if they landed. he sprinted up the stairs, a million apologies parading through his skull. while passing his mom, he quickly saw her arms were crossed with a stern look upon her face. however he had no time to ask if she was mad at him, he ran up the stairs.

"josh we need to talk abou-!"


the saddened boy was breathless in his room suddenly. josh sighed finding tyler sat alone on his bed, crystal tears painted on his once cherried cheeks. the lonely boy looked up hastily, wiping away a stray drop of sadness with a sleeve.

"tyler i'm - i'm so sorry"

his breath was hitched from running a long ways to his room and adrenaline in his veins from speeding home. tyler sat still, staring up at the defeated boy in front of him.

"for what?"

josh sighed, "i'm sorry fo-"

"for leading me on? for thinking you cared? for not realizing how sensitive a person could be at this situation? for making me think that you felt the same way i did?"

josh stood dumbfounded, "i didn't-"

"enough. i knew coming here was a bad idea" tyler whispered, a fast teardrop dripping onto his sweater.

josh stepped forward, "don't do this, please don't do this"

"joshua! why did you do this?"

suddenly josh felt his heart jump, and the familiar feeling of panic rose in his chest. "i don't - i don't know i-"

"you know for a fact you don't like her!"

his eye sight began to fog, like his brain had given up on functioning. his heart was swelling with every beat, leaving his lungs to grasp onto any source of oxygen they could. this was happening all too fast for josh to manage, he needed to sit down.

"nonono tyler stop please"

"joshua what are you saying? you won't even look at me"

he couldn't breathe.

"no fuck not now please not now i can't -  forget you i don't want to not again"

tyler felt his heart drop, he couldn't be mad at josh in this moment. he saw how much the boy was physically struggling now as he went and sat next to him reluctantly. the teary eyed boy grabbed josh's quaking hand in an instant, wanting to be remembered.


"don't talk to me!"

josh felt the world snap in front of him, his memory suddenly vanishing. his breathing loosened, feeling the sense of relief wash over his senses. his eyes were closed, squeezed shut, not wanting to open his eyes and question where the hell he is. tyler didn't talk, he let his friend calm down as he sucked in a shaky breath.

"tyler - where am i"

the brunette let his eyes go wide, "you - you know who i am?"

"of course i know who you are now what the hell is going on" josh had opened his eyes, wondering why tyler had teary stains on his cheeks. "are you okay?"

tyler couldn't find himself to speak, his heart was overwhelmed with how josh kept his promise. he smiled so incredibly wide, soon practically tackling him in a hug, leaving the taller boy even more confused. however, josh felt a smile tug at his lips, wrapping his arms around tylers small frame.

"i'll take that as a - yes?"

tyler raised his head to connect his lips with josh, smiling as he kissed back. the two boys laughed, different thoughts cascading through their minds.

"never been better"

bonjour  • joshler •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora