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tw: slight mention of blood.


that whole "tyler knew exactly where josh could be" thing?

that was a lie.

he had no idea where he was going.

it's only been fifteen minutes and he's fallen over twenty times. his knees were scraped, he felt dripping down his shin, the only color that masked his knees was darkened red. the bottoms of his palms were blistered with marks of the pavement still stuck to his hands. his fingers were almost as pink as his tear stained puffed cheeks. it was dark out and tyler left his phone in josh's - their room. so basically, to put the situation into words,

tyler was horrified.

he was wiping his nose on the collar of josh's t-shirt, silently apologizing that it was getting messy and gross. he had no idea why he was freaking out so much, hell, he had no idea what he was doing. he just knew that he didn't want to lose him.

it was only a matter of time before tyler had lost balance and fell face first on the pavement like he had many times before. however this time, his chin skinned the rough asphalt. hard enough that when his hand reached up to touch it, his fingers were covered in even more blood.

this was bad. tyler knew this was bad.

tyler let panic take over in his lungs as he sat down on the curb exhausted, he couldn't breathe. he wanted josh. he wanted josh next to him like that night where he comforted him because of his home sickness. he wanted josh's hand on his back telling him everything is going to be okay. he didn't want to breathe, he wanted josh.

his hearing was lost in the sounds of passing cars and uneven breathing. he was so lost in his panic that he couldn't hear his own name being repeatedly called. he didn't stop to notice that a car had pulled over and a door had slammed shut. he didn't notice that someone had suddenly held his hand and asked him what was wrong.

"j- shua?" he choked.

"ohmygod tyler what happened?" the voice cooed, kneeling down in front of the shaking boy, holding his trembling hand. yet tyler didn't answer, he physically couldn't answer.

"we have to get you home tyl-"

tyler stood up, tripping as he backed away, "joshjoshua i wantjoshua weneedtofindjoshua"

"what happened tyler? is josh okay?"

he shook his head no as he grabbed the broken skateboard, stepping onto it yet falling in record time, letting out a groan of frustration as he positioned the skateboard under his feet again.

"tyler please just - just get in the car we can find josh there okay?"

tyler was weak. he knew he couldn't physically to this anymore. he stood there, completely bewildered by the worried girl standing in front of him. she wrapped an arm around his quaking back lovingly and helped him into the back seat of the car where they could talk. she didn't want to drive with someone so hysterical in the car.

"holy shit - tyler?" someone else was in the passenger seat, "mel what happened?"

"i don't - i don't know okay he was just - lying there i told you we had to pull over!"

"joshua-s gone" the brunette choked.

both girls fell silent, "what do you mean gone?" melanie spoke.

tyler swallowed, gathering his breath as his shakiness fell to a minimum. melanie had been holding both of his hands, her hands were soft. but there was nothing compared to joshua.

"my old boyfriend - calledme and he - joshua picked up the phone and he said hewasdatingme but he is not and joshua ran away and i cannot findhim idonotknow whereheisohmygod he could be dead"

"we're taking you home" ashley said, her body turned around to face the brunette.

"i do not want home i want joshua"

melanie breathed, "tyler it's unsafe-"

"joshua is my home! he is my purpose he is everything!" he paused, "nobody - nobody has ever treated me the way he has."

melanie looked at ashley, knowing that they both weren't going to win this argument. ashley shrugged and nodded while melanie raised her eyebrows. melanie sighed as she let go of tylers hands, signaling the other to get in the back while she had to drive.

"so long for getting home by curfew"

bonjour  • joshler •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora