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josh never really liked disney.

but when tyler brought up the idea of watching finding dory there was no way in hell josh would be able to say no to tylers pleading voice.

"ugh but tyler i'm not really a disney g-"

"does it look like i care? no. i do not." the smaller brunette said while taking the remote from josh's hand.

"fine whatever you baguette"

josh laughed as he received an elbow in the rib from the now barely offended boy. yet as soon as the music started that cued the beginning of the movie, tyler layed down on josh's chest, his eardrums sighing with the noise of his heartbeat.

long story short the movie ended well. josh now realizing why he never took the time out of his day to binge watch disney movies. josh's favorite part, however, was when tyler began to shed a tear during a sad moment. he remembered how he just pulled him as close as tyler could possibly be, he didn't really cry after that.

now josh looked down at tyler, the boys eyelashes laying on the tops of his cheeks and his mouth slightly agape while miniature breathes escaped his throat. the taller boy watched as tyler involuntarily brushed his head closer onto josh's chest, while his hand squeezed his t-shirt lightly.

in a matter of minutes, josh found himself
dozing off as well. since he didn't have the
heart to move tyler back to his own bed, he
decided on sleeping himself.

all was peaceful and calm until josh suddenly found his lips forcefully connecting with tylers.

trust me, it was fast for josh too.

tyler was now underneath him, his hands at josh's hair and josh's gripping tylers waist forcefully.

the small boy whimpered as he bucked his hips creating heated friction between them, josh holding back a groan.

"tyler - fuck"

josh breathed as he felt a hand cascade down the front of his torso to his abdomen. his head dropped above tylers shoulder, his forehead now resting on the bed as the other moved his hand even lower on josh's stomach.

he felt himself get flipped on his back, the smaller boy now on top of him eagerly. tyler then peeled josh's shirt off, resulting in leaving heavy kisses on josh's neck.

tyler sighed as he began to trail kisses down the front of the others torso, josh slowly growing impatient, his stomach clenching slightly.

"tyler - just"

a hand was placed above the hem of josh's boxers, yet another groan slipping passed the flustered ones mouth. he spotted a smirk fall on tylers face as he hooked a finger under his underwear making josh squirm even more.


tylers mouth moved downwards, kissing the inside of josh's hip lightly.

bonjour  • joshler •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora