4~suggestion by Inna

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I lay on Inna's lap as i narrated everything that happened during her absence.
"I dont know what to do now"i concluded

"I know the perfect thing to do.
Right now you are a bird and your baba's words are the cage you are trapped in.
If you get an opportunity to open it,what are you going to do?"Inna asked patting my head

"Set free"i replied softly

"There is the solution"Inna said with chuckles.

"But i love my family.i cant do without them"i said and she knows

"The begining is always the difficult phase.don't let this opportunity slide"she reasoned

"You are right.i know what to do now"i said with tears rolling down my cheeks

Besides,if that house can live without mama they can live without me.
And i  am so coming back for break

"I will take care of them all.i promise,you just go make your dream come true"Inna said and i trusted her.

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