24b~not giving up

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It's been five days since Kamal's accident
He has succeeded in making me go through all sorts of stress.

I didn't go to school yesterday because I had to massage his leg,arms....can you imagine?
"Malak!where is my breakfast!"i heard kamal shout from our room.

"He is stressing you, isn't it?"kamil asked with a smile

"Yes he is"i confessed
"I will go take it to him"i added carrying the tray

After opening the door,I saw Aayan jumping on Kamal's lap.
"Mummy!daddy!"Aayan sang excitedly

"You are late!"kamal said angrily

"I won't say sorry"i assured
I dropped the tray of food by the bedstand,carrying Aayan in my arms.

"You won't say sorry?I don't feel like eating this go make me pancakes and oat"he ordered
I walked away to Kamil's room,handed Aayan over to him

He seemed puzzled
"I'm coming"i said

"What were you saying doctor kamal?"I asked after locking the door of our room with key

"I said I am not eating!"he shouted pushing the tray away

"Fine!don't!I missed my school yesterday because of you
I don't even love you yet I'm being a good wife for Allah's sake
I have been Really stressed all because of you.
I have heard enough of your whining okay
Eat whatever I cook and recover soon
Cause I swear,I will pack my things and go to mother's place
I'm sure that's what you want"i said angrily

"Yes" he said smiling
I walked away to the closet

"Wait,are you serious?" he asked from the room
I grabbed my box and begin packing,ignoring what he was saying.

"You are not going anywhere"i heard him say holding my hand
Standing up straight

"Unbelievable!you can walk and stand
You and that doctor planned all this!"i exclaimed

"Shut your pretty little mouth lady!" he shouted
"I started walking yesterday
And the doctor didn't lie
I felt numb after my accident"he explained

"Why didn't you tell Me?oh you wanted to send me out of your life.congrats you have succeed
Don't you dare stop me"i said angrily and continue my packing

"Fine!go!" he said angrily limping away
After I finish packing I texted Fareed.

"You are like an angel,angel don't cause people pain
Real nurses are patient,Malak"i heard a voice whisper in my head

I sat on the ground and begin crying,I can't give up now.i agreed to this
I have to guide Kamal to the right path
I have to graduate with first class
Then I can go home.

One day I know baba will forgive me
Kamal will be a righteous man
And I will be happy.

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