10~new faces

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Fareeda and her family members have been really friendly.
And Fareeda's father,Mr Halilu was a very simple man.he is an oncologist in National hospital as he said.

And not to forget her mother who was so happy to see me,Mrs Furaira.

Her twin brother, Fareed was so excited to see her telling her all sorts of things she missed.
         We ate dinner then prayed Isha prayers some minutes ago and now we are in the living room.

"Anyways,Malak is here to study nursing"Fareeda informed breaking the silence

"Masha Allah"Mrs Furaira said with a smile looking at me

"We will have a nurse in the family"Mr Halilu said then took a sip of his drink.

"Seriously?if you need help you can count on the doctor to be"Fareed said with a smile while Fareeda glared at him.

"He is an empty head doctor"Fareeda retorted and i grinned

"Have you ever seen an empty head doctor?"Fareed asked and i shook my head no

"Be on my side"Fareeda whispered and i smiled.

I cleared my throat "I am going to do my registration tomorrow then if I get a space I will leave to the hostel"i said and they all stared at me.

"How?no foodstuffs"Fareeda reminded with raised brows

"I will buy before I leave"I said sadly

"Well dear,if you don't get a space.you are still welcome"Mrs Furaira said softly
"Having two daughters isn't a problem,right honey?"she added looking at her husband

"Nooo"Mr Halilu said shaking his head

"Right,I am already brother zoned all thanks to you"Fareed said to his mother

And they chuckled while i smiled

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