17~not so perfect after all

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We arrived at a hotel called sky high in an area called Maitama
I wore a maroon long sleeved maxi gown with white veil and a white flats
Fareeda dressed the same but she wore a black gown and Brown veil with Brown flats

Mother bought everything for us this morning when we left
I thanked her a lot and she just smiled.

"They always celebrate here"Fareeda whispered

"Nice"I said smiling

We took an elevator to the last floor,
It was my first time but i felt relaxed having them around me.it happens to be that they were having it on a roof top.

"I don't know where we are going to find them"Fareed said looking around

"My fiance is also here"Fareeda announced

"Nice"I said looking around

"I will look for him"she said

"I will go look for my favourite cousin"he said

"Ok"I nodded

I sat akwardly at a chair and I looked around
Slow music was being played and some people were eating
Some dancing
Some laughing.

Some minutes later Fareeda came back with a really tall,beard,good looking guy.

"Malak,this is Hashim my fiance and Hashim this is the Malak I told you about"Fareeda announced and he smiled

"Wow Malak.nice to meet you"he said cheerfully

"Same here"I assured with a smile

"Where is Fareed he left you here?"Fareeda asked looking around

"He went to get someone"I replied

"He is so stupid"she shouted

"Don't say that"I defended then she rolled her eyes and Hashim chuckled

"I will go get food then hand the present to the twins.you want to come?"she asked

"My stomach is actually aching me"I replied uncomfortably

"Are you alright?"she asked worriedly

"Let her just rest"Hashim suggested

"I'm not use to being around such an environment but I'm going to be fine. I will get some fresh air"I said

"Are you going to find your way back?"Hashim asked

"Yes,she's smart"Fareeda said

I smiled as I walked to the lobby then entered the elevator.

After it landed at the ground floor.I walked out of the hotel.

"Madam,there is a garden by the right"the security guard said

"Thank you"I said with a smile

I walked towards the right and I found something surprising.

A young lady a few years older than me handed a guy who was discussing something with a friend a drink

"I said mango!"he shouted throwing the cup by her right and she panicked closing her ears.

"Go get it now!"he shouted again slightly pushing her and she fell on the ground.

I quickly approached her raising her up

"I don't know how you are related to her mr but you don't treat a lady like that
You are a man you are suppose to be the protector.
She deserve an apology"I said and I suddenly don't know where I got the courage but my Baba taught me to always speak up for my fellow women.

"And who are you?why don't you mind your business?"the guy asked rudely

"I can't when it comes to abuse"I replied with folded arms

"She is my girlfriend!"he growled pointing are her

"She is also somebody's daughter and sister.apologise to her now"I reminded him

"Lady why don't you shut your pretty small mouth?"he asked with furrowed brows

"I will if you apologise"I assured confidently

He put his hands in his pocket then let out a huge sigh.

"I'm sorry,Aliya"he said forcefully

"That's all I needed to hear and I am leaving you"she shouted

"Well really?I knew you stayed around all this while for money"he said with a victorious smile

"I am leaving you,find another girl to treat like a slave"she added

"Remember my words even though we are not meeting again
Women.are.not.slaves"I emphasized my last sentence

"I promise to haunt you down and teach you a lesson lady"he assured with a smirk

I scoffed as I glared at him.
He also glared back.

Aliya and I walked out of the garden and she immediately drove away after thanking me and handing me Her card.

I studied it,it's strange how she could be a lawyer and tolerate everything.

I went back to the rooftop I found Fareed and he handed me a plate of food.

"I have been looking for you"he said in a concern tone

"I went to get some fresh air"I said smiling

Suddenly the place was dark and pictures were being displayed
It was two babies wrapped in a towel then another picture of two little boys dressed in same clothes.one made a funny face one didn't
Everyone laughed including me
Fareed whispered "our cousins"
I nodded smiling
Then two teenage boys appeared
One was smile,one wasn't
Then two young men appeared and the most shocking news was
They both looked like the guy I met at the garden

I panicked
If he finds out I live with Fareed and Fareeda he is going to suck the blood out of me.

I told Fareed I was feeling ill and he texted Fareeda then we left

When we got home I changed and got into the bed

"Not so perfect twins after all"I said inwardly

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