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The next day happened to be monday and everyone resumed to his or her week days activity

The house was quiet without Fareeda.Fareed suggested to drop me at school after breakfast

"Thank you"i said with a smile getting down

"See you later"he said smirking

As soon as i closed the door my phone rang and It was Kamal so i picked it immediately

"Mummy"Aayan called when I placed the phone on my ear

"Aayan"i answered with a smile

"I want oat and Daddy say no"he complained

"Give the phone to your daddy"i said annoyed

Few seconds later

"I'm listening"i heard Kamal say

I rolled my eyes at his attitude

"You said no because you can't make it the way he likes it right?"i asked

"Yes,the way you make it! because everything we do Aayan doesn't like it if its not the way you make it"he said angrily I can imagine him pulling his hair

"You should have called me so i can give you recipes and guide lines"i said softly

"I don't have credit in my phone"he lied and I could here Aayan squealing in the background
I wonder what happened

"I will text it for you right now"i assured

And he hung up

I sighed,walking into the hall
After i exchanged greetings with my friends ,I sat down and started typing the recipe right away.

After I sent it
the lecturer walked in,I immediately put my phone on silent dropping it inside my bag


"Number of heart chambers is four"the lecturer said reminding everyone

"What about number of bones in our faces?"she asked with a smile

"Ten"a voice called and she shook her head

"Twelve"Rachel guessed and she shook her head again

"Fourteen"i said not sure but she smiled

"Correct is fourteen"she announced and some whispered "now I remember"here and there

"My time is up,make sure you get the handout"she said glancing at her wrist watch
Then she called her books and left

We all get up and left to our various cars

"Don't forget to bring the lapaya for me tomorrow"Rachel called loud enough for the people of Gombe to hear

Amina glared at her

"Sure Rachel"i assured chuckling at Amina's expression

I greeted the driver after I entered

I carried my phone to check if there is any missed call and well,there is

From Baba

Just when I was about to call back,a call from the home Land line came in

So I picked immediately

"Are you in your senses?
How can you ask your husband for divorce?don't you know is a sin?
I'm sure you never gave him his rights!
Stop acting like a twelve year old
If you can stay with him when he was astray why can't you now?
Think about it dear
If you love him
Love is worth everything"I heard Inna scold and she sounded angry and disappointed at the same time

"I'm sorry Inna"i said with teary eyes

"sorry for yourself That young man loves and adores you
And he is so kind
Don't let him go and don't call me again till you go back to your house and don't be angry at him thinking he was the one that told me ,he has been covering up for You.someone else told me"she said thoughtfully

And she hung up leaving me with my thoughts

Her action was predictable
But I don't know if my feelings are

What feelings is Madam talking about ghen ghen
I know is  a short chapter
Malak is coming to an end😭😭😭😢😢😢


Fee Amanillah 💚🍀🍀

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