36~Goodbye home till I come again

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"Thank you very much Dan birni(city boy)but we have over stayed our welcome.Yusra will have to resume school a week after she fully recovers while Zaina applied for College of education gombe,I hope my daughter will be allowed to pay me a visit"Baba said smiling after shaking hands with Dad

Today,happens to be two days after Eid and Baba insist they get back
So after breakfast we all gathered to say goodbye
Mother,Father,Fareeda and Fareed also arrived few minutes after breakfast

"Ofcourse Ayub,ofcourse. You should all just take care and call if anything comes up especially with our Yusra"Dad spoke and Yusra smiled

"In sha Allah"Baba assured

"Thank you Inna,you will be missed"Dad spoke smiling softly at Inna
She gives us ridicules stories and everyone enjoyed

"I will miss you all too,May Allah bless you all"Inna said with a grin

I hand over Yusra's medicine bag to her

"Can i marry Kamil someday?"she asked with a whisper

I looked at her surprised,it has gotten to her I glanced at Kamil who seemed to be looking at her smiling

Wait,what's going on?she's crushing on him? And i thought he was playing.whatever will be will be in sha Allah

"Yes Yus baby but that's a long time from now and I don't think he can wait but whatever will be in sha Allah"i assured placing my hand on her cheek

Yusra frowned looking at Kamil,he winked at her.i adjusted her hijab slightly

She collected the bag walking back to Inna.

"And thank you once again for all the gifts"Inna spoke to Father and Mother

"Haba no problem,what is family for?"Mother said grinning

"And for my husbands,I can't choose whether Kamal or Kamil so you have to keep proving yourselves"Inna joked pointing at Kamal and Kamil that were standing side by side

And we all burst into laughs

I hugged each and everyone of my family members goodbye

Aayan runs to the living room towards Yusra and Zaina

"Yus Yus,Zai"he called excitedly as they knelt down to hug him

"Malak please don't forget to teach your son how to say Aunty before we meet again"Zaina scolded and Aayan giggled

"That's actually my job but they don't even let me baby sit him"Fareeda spoke this time and I laughed softly

"Because you can't even take care of yourself"Fareed teased

"Fareed!" Fareeda exclaimed and he shrugged

Baba carries Aayan up and he squealed after putting him down he runs to Inna.

She pats his head blessing him"tell your parents you want a younger one soon"she said out loud
I'm sure even the security guard at the gate heard
Okay ....maybe not

"Inna!"i exclaimed feeling embarrassed

"It's true"she said non chalantly

Kamal tries not to laugh at my face

We took all their things to the car and waved them bye until the car drove out of our sight and the gate closed

"Goodbye home till I come again"i whispered

Aayan suddenly starts crying

"Why are you crying?"i asked him and he ignored and continue with his crying

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